part 4

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After Tay retired to his room, the parents downstairs were worried about their son, they know they cant keep this away from him for a long period, He will know it one of the other day.

"Honey I'm worried about him, for tempory we can nullify his powers but it will break Soon and once again he will start hearing those voices" Mrs V said in a worried tone

"Dont worry it's until we find his mate before anything happen I'll talk to dad & the elders" Mr. V and his wife who looked very much worried for her son even he was but he had to be strong for them.

On the other hand Today was Newwiee Thitipoom Techaapaikhun's first day in University.  New or Newwiee too comes from a rich family too but he is very  humble loves to help everyone even if he is rich.

Tho he is rich he hates rich people's guts so he prefer to keep his family lowkey and not let anyone know about it. He is also a engineering student like Tay but different department

New lover to play with people so whenever his class changes for few subjects he writes a message in a paper and keep them below his desk and wait for someone's reply, but he never got one in his school days, so he planned to do the same thing in his university too hoping someone or the other will reply to him.

On his way to his class he was lost and he didn't know where to go, so he asked a person "P which way is to go to the engineering dept ?" The said boy just showed him the way New thanked him but he was stopped by him  "Nong did we met each other's before? " He asked new "No p I don't think so, do we know each other" New said smiling but his senior stared at him.

"Oh where are my manners I'm sorry for staring at you I'm Gun by the way" He shook his hand with New "Who don't know you p I'm New" he replied.

"You got the way right. Well I'm in a hurry cya" Gun said and went down stairs in a hurry. "Why did he feel we met before? Did I ever meet him? " New thought

New went to his class room and saw everyone where looking at him he don't like this he feels like people are judging him by their looks.

He went to a lonely chair which was occupied by Tay few hours ago and was in his own world, since he is not good in socialising he kept quiet and his classmates ignored him because he looked simple.

He was in his own world because Yesterday what his parents said him was what shocked him, since he was a young boy he knew he is not as same as others and one day baby new walked up to his parents and asked them why is the different from others, he didn't want to be different but his mom calmed her crying baby after a while she told him who he is, where did they actually come from

But she didn't go to say more because he was a kid, he didn't know So many things so initially she kept quiet but as he grew up he started to know more about it and now about to himself

About the Vihokratana's how they protected the magic world about their relationship with humans what happened in past this everything became his intrest and he started to research about everything.

He learnt that his mom & dad are two different wizards his mom could see the future and his dad is a probability manipulator and he being the mix of two he can sometimes manipulate the lucks of people and can have a glimpses of future like his mom, but his parents asked him not to use it in human world since it will change the fate of people living and they didn't want to risk humankind.

His spell is unique since he have the mix of both and that is why he can't see the future every time. He is a very unique wizard that is what the elders said his parents when he was born.

Now the thing that is bothering him is that his mom saw in the future that he will be meeting his mate soon, she did not tell him who it is but she did say that he will meet his mate in the university but he don't know whom.

So New wanted to know who is his mate a girl or a boy, but his mom didn't tell him she asked him to find out himself,he just sighed and listened to the boring class which is going on.

Before leaving the Class he wrote a "Hello" in a small peice of letter & kept it down of the desk and left the class On his way he met his friends, Bright Earth & Mix "So how was your first day new" asked Mix New  just sighed

"I don't want to go there, people in there look weirdly at me" he said taking the Cake offered by win, by now all are used to this complain of New  "Come on don't sulk it's you who is at fault why can't you just show which family you belong they all will keep quiet now come sit here" Earth said and pulled New next to him

Earth was always protective towards new since they were kids, Earth & New were friends since kindergarten, both of them were neighbors they grew up together and Earth did have a crush on new but never musted the courage to tell him, he was scared that it might effect this friendship of theirs.

New being New had no idea of this, he always treated Earth as his brother so earth just swallowed his confession.

"Guys you know i kept my message paper in that mechanical engineering department desk I hope I will get come response this time " New said Naughtiness shining in his eyes "New why you just give up? Who ever it is they might just throw it to the dust bin" win said

Once upon a time he to was a part of New's crimes but eventually stopped "How do know that without trying win" New argued

"now now calm down you two lets wait until tomorrow" said bright he don't want any fight to happen on the first day.
After some chit chat everyone bid good bye and left the university.

On the other hand New once again started to think what his mom said in the morning but one thing that question him is why he can't go to magic world, he wants to explore it and study about them but according to his mom until he finds his mate he couldn't go to the magic world.

So how is it guys, will New know who is his mate, and Earth will he confess or still keep it inside.

I hope you all liked it do vote and comment 😁

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