Part 2

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Author pov

18 years later....

The vihokratana's and rest of the families settled and have become successful and famous in human world.

"Tay wake up love, or else you will be late on your first day son" His mom said from downstairs

The said boy comes downstairs full of sleep hugs his mom and go to get ready.

This is Tay Tawan who is way too sweet, but is spoiled by his parents and friends and today is his first day in university, the day he was waiting for two years which he felt like years.

After a while "I'm ready mom I'll be leaving" Tay said he bid byee to his parents and left for the uni

He is very excited to go there since he will be reuniting with his best friends.

V university is one of the old and famous university in Thailand, not only rich people but even poor people come here to study. Everyone are equally treated in here except for one particular group .

This university was established by Tay's great grandparents according to the legendary story Tay's grandparents who were scholars they wanted everyone one study and have good knowledge so they started this school this is what everyone know including Tay.

But the truth is this school was it built so that humans and wizards can live together, but humans are humans they tried to dominate and same goes with wizards they tried to misuse the spell which led Tay's great grandparents to erease humans memories and make this uni only for humans. But anyone can enter this university whether rich or poor everyone could study in here.

Tay was a bit proud to enter this university which was built by his great grandparents, when his car entred the uni gate everyone were curious who he is, they were waiting for him to get down

Tay took a deep breath and got down and the first thing was the screams of students, they eagerly wanted to know who this handsome guy is. They all surrounded Tay, poor boy was too late for him to realise so he couldn't escape them.

"ALLOW HIM TO BREATHE" They all heard someone shouting which startled everyone including Tay. All of them looked at the source of the voice and see the four famous people coming forward.

All of them were surprised in two years no one saw these four greeting any freshers, until today and now they have come here personally, all students were shocked but they started taking their pics.

The four of them are always closed even if they study in different department no one till now broke the group they are always together, without allowing anyone outsider to enter their group and them coming here made everyone really surprise

As they started walking people allowed them to pass the four of them walking they stood in front of Tay all students were worried what is going to happen did this fresher fight with them all were curious

But what happened next surprised all of them, the fresher hugged them all together tightly "I missed you so much p's" He said to them

The four of them had smile in their face now rest of the student really want to know who he is, but no one wanted to go front and question them

The five of them went away from the crowd, eventho tay's family is famous he never reviled himself it's only after they know his name they will know who he is.

"You all know how much I missed you all I was so lonely in school after you all graduated" Tay said sadly

"What are you speaking Tay we met each other everyday" Gun said laughing seeing tay pout

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