Part 19

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Author pov

Krist couldn’t sleep at all last night. Well, he slept when tay's parents came to check on them, but he waited for a while, thinking about what happened downstairs before decided to wake his friends to talk about it.

He couldn’t wait any longer. What bothers him the most was the appearance of the woman. He felt uneasy to see the woman looks just like Tay.

Knowing that the woman was an illusionist, it was possible that perhaps she was trying to fool them with her appearance. But, he was convinced that it was her true face and maybe they were related somehow. This may not be possible if he didn't hear the discussion of all these six parents

He lied awake for the rest of the night, thinking of the possible explanation for Tay's relationship with the woman.

He was sitting in the dinning waiting for his friends to come "Hey baby did you sleep well" Singto said as he saw Krist deep in his thoughts he gave him a quick kiss as a morning kiss Krist gave a small smile to his boyfriend but singto felt something was off with him before he could ask offgun arrived 🥱 "good morning guys" Gun said who looks still sleepy.

Larry was in the kitchen cooking and New helping her "New my dear your friends are there go to them I'll look after here" She said smiling he nodded his head and went to his friends "ohh New you were in kitchen helping mama😏" Gun smirked looking at New who blushed understanding what Gun meant

"No no p it's not like that, I'm not impressing her or anything " New said in his defense "But I never said you are impressing your mother in law" He laughed looking at New's red face.

After a while Tay came down all smiling as if he was never sad yesterday and rest were revealed that Tay came to his normal self, but still these six friends felt something is off "Guys" Krist slowly whispered and they all looked at him

" I have to tell you all something important " He said looking here and there "What is it p" Tay asked him, krist looked at the boy having a sad smile "I cannot say it here. Maybe when we get back to the room, I will tell you about it.” answered Krist. Five of them let out a sigh, clearly disappointed to hear that.

“Don’t worry. I’ll tell you but this isn’t the right place,” said Krist, trying to convince them that he wasn’t trying to hide anything. Singto understood the reason but he was eager to know. However, what can they do? Krist was right. It sounds like a big secret so of course he wanted to talk about it in private.

As he said that they saw Mrs. V walking to them, "good morning kids" She gave them a warm smile they love her smile so much, she hugged her son "baby Tay how are you feeling" She asked him " I'm sorry mom for acting like that yesterday New made me realise that I'm not alone" He said looking at her.

She gave them their breakfast since she and her husband have some clint to meet,the kids ate breakfast talking about the random things that happened in the class.

They laughed when Gun told New Tay's clumsy stories. Tay just laughed it off and told them that they all should shut up.

“By the way don’t you think it was weird that p'Gun and P'Off are way too close” Asked Tay and rest nodded in agreement.

Well, he thought it was weird but maybe it’s good for Gun if everything goes well.

"Well the two of us... We are dating" Off said smiling ear to here, the rest of them were just still.

"That's.... That's.. When did this happen P why didn't you tell me you know how worried I was for you" Tay said glaring at them especially Gun "we are sorry Tay we wanted to tell but that that witch she disturbed our lives" Gun said this time

"well your right because of her I don't know what she wants" New said he was really fed up with this women, Tay's parents came to them said their good bye and left.

"I know what she want, she wants Tay" Krist said and the five of them turned to him in shock

"What do you mean baby why would she" Singto said looking at Tay who looked gloomy

"Aww don't be sad this is not exactly related to you it's related to your whole family Tay" What Krist said just now paled everyone what does he mean by that? Hatred towards the family?

"What do you mean kit? Why do she hate the whole family? And how do you know about this?" Off asked him

Krist told them what he heard yesterday night before going to sleep "So mom and dad know about this women and then they kept it a secret" Tay said slowly his head started to pain thinking how many secrets their parents are keeping

"Guys let's not think about this now, since me and off are official why don't we go out our treat" Gun interrupted the serious talk as he sensed something bad will happen if they continue it and yes all nodded their head accept Tay, he kept on thinking about the women.

All six of them decided to go to mall to do some shopping first and then go out for lunch they had fun together Tay excused himself for washroom New was waiting for him as the rest went to buy some things, it's been a while Tay didn't come back New was worried so he went to the restroom searching for this boyfriend he was not there and this worried him

"Tay... Tay where are you" Suddenly the lights turned off "Tay i... I... Kn..... know.... It's.... You it's not so funny..... I'm not.... Laughing... At this" New said he was scared from childhood he is scared of dark and this situation made him more scared, he couldn't breathe properly

"Tay... Tay wh... where... Are you... I'm scared" He panicked but there was no response New was nearly going to have a panick attack when someone put their hand on his shoulder, it was the women and she had a smirk on her face

"awwww sweet Newwiee is scared of dark" She said laughing and New didn't have words to say "You don't have words to say let me guess you must think how did I come here, my dear your boyfriend is mine of course I'll have eye on him and you will never have him, Tay have to suffer how I did because of his family" She said New's eyes wide open what did Tay's family do to her why is she accusing them

"Looks like my surprise itself is too much for you I'll go for now but I'll be back soon oh yea do protect that boyfriend of yours" She said and disappeared and the lights turned on,
"New" When he wheeled around to see Tay running towards him. New bite his lips. Tay's face shines. He looks happy again,

When he's close enough, he wrapped his arms around New and kisses him. New a bit taken aback, Tay don’t really like kissing publicly, he don’t like either he slowly pushed Tay and looked around to see if anyone is seeing them or not

"Tayyyy you know I don't like this" New said pouting "You were acting like you don't know me when I called you so i kissed you" He said smirking at New,

"when did you call me, I was searching for you" New said a bit seriously "Come on New don't joke around I called you several times from there but you didn't answer so I came running here" Tay said pointing at one of the store

"But... You.. Said.. You want to go to restroom" New said and Tay blinked

"what? I was shopping over there" The couple look confused, it was then New realised that it was that women in disguise of Tay now he is really worried about Tay he decided to discuss this with his friends when they reach home.

"New are you listening to me let's go guys are waiting for us" Tay said dragging New with him and New was deep in his thoughts he was thinking what that women said about Vihokratana what enmity she have with such kind wizards

"What are you planning to do, I told you not to interfere in that boy's life" Said a man "Why do you care if you wouldn't have stopped me then this wouldn't have happened" The witch said to her friend, she is still mad at him for what he did when Tay was manipulated. Her friend just sighed seeing her friend laughing looking at Tay and his friend
She is back, the women she did scare New will she attack New to destroy Tay Or she will just target Tay? What do you guys think
I hope you guys like this chapter 😁do vote and comment 😺

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