part 16

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Author pov

As she was readying himself to attack Tay again, Tay closed his eyes. New wanted to go and get him, afraid of what would happen to his boyfriend. But as Tay opened his eyes they were glowing.

"You cannot use your..." Whatever she wanted to say was left hanging as she immediately stopped talking.

Tay had used his magic skill on her but he had difficulty in doing so as she had her own protection spell above her.

New wanted to help his boyfriend but he didn't know how. He didn't understand anything but he had to do something. As he was trying to find a way to help Tay, he heard the boy's soft voice in his head.

"Guys, please run. I don't know how much longer I can do this,"  he sounded desperate. New looked at his friends and knew they also heard the same voice.
"How about you? I cannot leave you," thought New. He hoped the boy will hear what he was thinking. He was relieved when he heard Tay's response in his head.

"Run first. I will go after you," He said "But..."
"Don't worry. I will go to you. I promise,"Tay said and gave him a soft smile, as if assuring him that he will keep his promise. He looked at his friends and they nodded their head before they started running towards the door. Thankfully, the door was near them.

New was relieved when Tay came running towards him in the opposite direction. He immediately went and hugged him. But he was worried for their parents, but Gun assured them their parents are fine.

"I ask you to run first, right?" They could hear Tay's soft voice in their head once again. Tay was too tired and it made all of them worried that he will collapse any minute. He had used too much of his magic today.

"Quick, get on top of me," said Off, offering his back to piggy ride "No, it will slow you down," said Tay

"You are too tired. Let me carry you, your acting as if I never gave you a piggy ride," said Off once again.  "You had to mention about that now?" Though he hesitated to do it, in front of New since he dont know how he finally nodded his head and hopped onto off's back.

"Little boys, you did not stand a chance against me," the women taunted them as they escaped from her. However, before anyone could do anything, a swarm of bees encircling her and they relieved to hear her groaned in pain. They knew it's krist who is controlling them.

"What a mediocre skill," She said as he fired a spell towards the bees. Some of them escaped from the spell and kept attacking her. They kept on watching, singto's brain cannot think of a method to escape and he cursed himself for being helpless.

Suddenly, he could feel air swirling at his feet before he and his friends floated. Off was making a gesture with his hand. To his horror, the women realized what was happening and was ready to attack them again.

Without thinking, krist fired a spell towards him while Singto fired another spell towards the mysterious man.

Thankfully, the spell was enough to let them escape from the two adults.

As they escaped,they found a empty room Singto casted a spell on the wall and went inside it, Tay's focus wasn't on them. Instead he was looking at the wall where the door had vanished before.

"They're nearby," said Tay. All of them were panicked to hear that but Tay put his fingers on his lips to ask them to be silent. It took a while before Tay finally sighed in relief."They're gone," announced Tay.

"How do you know they are here?" Asked Singto, as much as he knows vihokratana's don't have the ability to hear from far, then how was Tay able to.

"Her emotion. I could feel her emotion. She is furious. So, I assumed the other guy is with her,""Is she..." New couldn't bring himself to finish his question, afraid to hear the answer.

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