Part 21

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Author pov

Tay groaned, hearing a soft and deep voice around him.

"Tay, baby, I know you can hear me. You have to come back, babe, I'm waiting for you, I need you. Come back, dear"

Tay opened his eyes with a moan, his body aching like hell.

"Tay, can you hear me?" Gun asked. The wizard suddenly stood up, his eyes shining dangerously.

"Tay, please, don't let her win." New implored, taking Tay's hand.

"Ne.. New" He called his lover

"what do you mean by don't let her win? Who she?" He asked New with a question mark on his face, New shook his head he was already on tears seeing his sunshine in front of him

" Hey my hin why are you crying what happened love" Tay said worried, he can't see his boyfriend crying.

By then the parents came into the room listen to the chaos "Oh Tay your awake" His mom cheered she hugged her son Tay laughed "Mom dad will complain that you will suffocate me" He said everyone laughed Launa missed her son so much that she didn't let him go, and her husband looked at the two important people of his life.

"Ummm dada Dan you said you will tell us the secret" Singto said he is fed up of waiting his curiosity Tay's dad just laughed hearing that

"You really are curious aren't you but I'll tell you kids briefly since I don't know much about it." He and the rest took a seat so that they all will tell them the past, and for Tay he don't even know what happened when he was not here.

"It happened two generation back when grandpa I mean when Tay's great grandpa was born, he had a twin sister she was older to him but unfortunately same like Tay she was cursed because of their mother I don't know what she did but yes she was cursed by a wizard it self, her parents were scared that what if she will bring destruction to the wizards since she was cursed and the wizards were not powerful as of this time. So her mom and dad decided to leave her with the witches" He said and looked at everyone

"what happened then dad"

Tay asked he was really curious someone like him who is cursed

"Well that was the mistake they did instead of taking care of her they abandoned her and the witches took full advantage of this they took care of her very well but then they filled all poisons on her head she became evil rude cold and when grandpa came into thone he came to know about this twin sister of his he did confront his parents they were very sorry for what did, he decided to search for her and he found her too but unfortunately she was bad then grandpa tried his best to pursue her calmly but then she killed her mom her mom is a human" He said

"So it's her who started the V school?" Singto asked

"Yes my boy it's my great grandma started it so yea this murder of her triggered grandpa because he loved his mom dearly she was one the best mom for him and this led to the hatred towards the witches which is until this day according to dad she tried to curse me too but she couldn't since she was alone and weak but this time the vampires too helped her and she was able to curse my baby." He concluded his story

Everyone were confused ,angry, sad listen to it New felt pitty for her condition "she shouldn't have been betrayed, after all she is their kid" He said looking sad, she must have suffered "But why is she after Tay what did he do to her? " Krist asked confused" Maybe because she wants me to feel what she felt" Tay said

"Well about that... Tay he looks like his great grandpa so maybe that why she is back of him!! But don't worry I won't let her do anything to him" He said looking at Tay who looked confused

"Ok kids story time is done now get up from here help me a bit" Mrs. V said and rest nodded their head she didn't want them to speak more about what is done already.

It was night Tay was standing in the balcony of his room and looking at the moon New came to him

"Tay what are you doing here alone?" He asked "I just was thinking what will it happen if I would be still in her control" He said hugging New

"your not now that your free from her, but I feel pitty for her" New looked at Tay,

"hmm don't be after what she did to me" He looked a bit mad and New just shrugged. There was a comfortable silence between them.

"I would have never thought that I would be happy to be here." New said suddenly.
"Because we are at home. And together." Tay hugged his lover from behind, kissing his shoulder.
"I guess. I've waited for you so long." New sighed.
"Me too." Tay took his lover's chin to turn his face and kiss him deeply. "I love you."
"I love you more."

Tay grinned before kissing his lover again, this time, longer and deeper. "Tay I missed you so much, I still remember that hurtful eyes of your" New said as they broke the kiss

"Look at me here I'm standing before you why do you have to be worried I promise I'll be by your side forever"
He said looked lovely at New.

"Tay so many things have happened in past few days all of us are exhausted don't you think we can plan for a trip somewhere" Off's voice suddenly Interrupted the couple

"Why do everyone interrupt when we have such a nice moment" Tay mumbled and New giggled, he gave a dead glare at Off who didn't know what had happened before he came there

"What, Tay why are you starting at me as if you will kill me any moment now" Off asked him "of course I'll kill you you disturbed me and New" Tay looked pissed "Ohoh I'm sorry for that" He said laughing out loud

"P you were telling... " New asked "yea Tay your dad said we will go to magic world since the two of you never visited people over there are very excited to see you" Off looked very excited so did New but not Tay

"Why.. P... I don't want to go there" He said "huh why it's your place Tay if you like it or not you have to be there" Singto's voice came in between

"I know but.. " He don't know how to explain to them he was scared, scared that the witch will take control of him and destroy his loved ones he was to stay home so that no one will harm anyone.

But unfortunately no one understood Tay's feelings he didn't say anything he is scared scared that his friends will think low of him

"Ok then let's go tomorrow" Off said, Singto and Off left Tay's room "Tay I'm so happy at last I'm going to our world you know how badly I wanted to go and now at last I'm going" New was very much excited but not his boyfriend without hearing any response New looked at him

"Tay what happened baby why are you so quite? Aren't you are excited to go too" He asked Tay looked at him seeing New's smile he didn't want to be killer of joy

"No new of course I'm happy" He said forcing a smile he don't know he feels that going back will be a bad idea.
Small chapter since I'm not sure how to end it😂

sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday I was very tired to write.

I hope this is ok not boring 😆 and if there are mistake I apologize coz I didn't proofread it 🥲 Guys do vote and comment 😸

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