you come home after a bad day

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You came home after a horrible day at work, first one of your new cast members kept goofing around and wasting time causing the director to yell at you for not getting the scenes done.

After 14 hours you were finally done and allowed so you could drive with your car, but you later regretted it because you were stuck in bad traffic for and hour and a half.(1hr and 30mins)

Lizzie had invited Scarlett and Brie Larson to her home that she has been sharing with you moved in three months ago on your two year anniversary, she didn't wanna show it but she has been really worried about you since you weren't home yet.

After one hour the front door finally opened and Lizzie ran towards it and jumped into your arms when she saw a very exhausted expression on your face, you wrapped your arms around her butt so you could catch her.

"Baby your finally home, did you have a bad day at work?" asked Lizzie with sympathy in her voice.

You nodded tiredly then carefully put her back down, you looked at her with a raised eyebrow when you see the growing smirk on her face.

When you didn't expect it she kissed your lips and you obviously kissed back, your lips moved in synch while your hands roamed each other clothed body.

"I call dibs on going next with Y/N!" said Brie with some happiness in her voice.

Lizzie rolled her eyes playfully at Brie's comment when you guys pulled away Brie pulled you into a hug, she saw how exhausted you were and kissed your forehead and rubbed your back in comfort.

Lizzie wasn't jealous of how close you and Brie had been, because she knows you love her and only her. She also knew that you loved Brie as a sister so she didn't have a problem with her kissing your forehead. Just then Scarlett came from the kitchen with a piece of red velvet cake in her left hand.

"Oh hey Y/N sorry I couldn't greet you I was busy giving all my attention to this cake which is really amazing btw. It's nice to see you even tho I just saw two days ago. But I do hope that Lizzie gives you a back massage if not I will give her a lecture on how to be a good girlfriend to her girlfriend when said girlfriend has a bad day." said Scarlett with a smile on her face.

Lizzie's lip turned into a toothy grin when she heard what Scarlett had said to you. You, Brie and Lizzie laughed when Scarlett looked at her with her warning glare, but then put all her attention on her piece of cake then walked backed to the kitchen to finish it.

Later that night Lizzie gave you a full body massage instead of a back rub, which then lead to more than a massage. The next morning Brie and Scarlett teased you both about the noise you were making last night.


I hope you guys liked this one. Please give some feedback if you want. Im honestly just righting these for my own entertainment.

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