"I will love you either way"

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You were really nervous to tell Lizzie. You've kept this a secret from her for awhile the only people who knew was Conan(your bestie😩) and your abuela. But now you think that you're ready to tell you girlfriend.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Your girlfriend said walking into the you guys shared room. She sits next to you and puts her arm on your thigh when she sees your nervous face.

"Talk to me baby"

"Ok I don't really know how to tell you this because don't know how you'll feel about me after. But I'm non-binary and I didn't know how to tell you cause I thought it would affect our relationship. But this is who I truly am and I needed to tell you that." You rambled while fiddling with your fingers trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh baby" Lizzie pulls you into a tight hug and kisses your forehead.

"I fully accept you and I always will through everything you do. This doesn't change anything in our relationship at all. I'll use whatever pronouns you want. It doesn't matter if your non-binary I will love either way."

"Oh thank god cause I was really worried." You said wiping away your tears when she let you go.

"I love you so so much love" Lizzie says cupping your cheeks.

" I love you to"

She pulls you in for a passionate kiss. After you guys pull away she pulls you on top of her for cuddles. You let out a content sigh happy that your safe and accepted.
A/N: I literally wrote this in school so I'm sorry if it's bad.
I'm gonna start writing more non-binary reader content cause I don't see a lot of it so yeah. And maybe I'll do some mother imagines.

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