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You were so deep in conversation with Lily about her newest movie, the people around you seemed like background noise.

Lizzie wanted a few friends over and arranged it a couple weeks ago, but she had a really long day on set and planned to come home and cuddle you. But unfortunately all her plans came to an end as she was greeted by her friends. She managed to put on a fake smile, accept the wine shoved in her hand and then instantly went to find you, automatically clinging to you.

It's been about an hour now and she's now sat on the couch with you on her lap. She had one arm around your waist whilst the other held her wine glass. She would occasionally join the conversation when asked a question, but fall back silent and lay her head on your shoulder.

She sighs and kisses your shoulder, gently patting your thigh, silently asking you to get up. You stand up and so does she.

"You okay?" You ask quietly.

"Yeah I just need the bathroom. I'll only be a minute." She smiles leaning down giving you a kiss on the cheek then leaving.

You frown concernedly as you watch her leave, feeling like somethings wrong. You decide to leave her to herself, sit down and continue you conversation with Lily.

"Hey Liz has been gone a while. Think she's ok?" You hear Kathryn say which make you turn away from Lily.

You frown again at the thought of your wife and instantly stand up. "I'll go find her."

You headed upstairs to your shared bedroom to see her sat on the end of the bed with her head in her hands, shoulders slumped.

"Oh baby," You say sadly when you see the tears shining in her eyes.

She holds her arms out and you don't hesitate to straddle her lap so you can hug her close. Her arms close around your waist tightly as silent tears leak out of her eyes and on your shoulder.

"It's ok Liz. I've got you baby." You say soothingly and stroke her hair.

Lizzie basks in the warmth she feels from you and the same familiar flutter in her stomach when you rub her back and kiss her head. Her worries fade instantaneously and all she can focus on is you.

"Do you wanna talk about it baby?"

"It's just been a bad day. I know this is just my first time producing but I just thought it would be easier. I had so much ideas for the show but I just couldn't seem to grasp the right words for them. I couldn't get the words out and I just looked stupid."

"I'm sorry you had such a bad day and if I could I would go back and change the entire thing. But you need to know you are an absolutely amazing producer. You have so many creative and smart ideas and if it takes you a while to explain it that's okay. It's okay to have bad days, you're only human." You say as you cup her cheeks and press a light kiss on her forehead.

"You always make me feel better." She whispers gratefully.

You give her a smile and lovingly peck her lips. "Want me to send everybody home?"

"No I'll be okay. I just need a minute."

"Okay." You say pushing her hair behind her ears. "Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?"

"Blowjob?" She asks with puppy eyes making you laugh thinking she was joking.

However when you realize she's being serious your laughter dies down.

"Seriously? Right now? With everyone downstairs?"

She just pouts deeper, making you cave.

"You have to be quiet tho okay? You can't be how you usually are."  You quietly warn as you slide off her lap on the floor and onto your knees.

Lizzie nods excitedly and lifts her hips up so she can pull her jeans and boxers off. You giggle amused as she tosses them behind her and you rub up and down her thighs.

You leave a trail of kisses from her knee to her inner thigh, teasing her. Lizzie sighs softly and leans back on her hands when your tongue flicks over her slit causing her dick to jolt to life.

"Well hello." You chuckle as it goes from flaccid to hard in a second.

Lizzie wasn't massive but she wasn't small by any means. She's 9 inches, not too thick, and definitely the perfect size to fuck you into oblivion.

You sit up on your knees and wrap your lips around her head, ever so slightly taking her deeper. You keep the first couple inches in your mouth as you swish your tongue around her head, eliciting the most delicious sounds from the brunette above you.

"Oh baby," She moans and bites her lip. "Fuck you're doing so good."

You slide your hands up to her hips and you begin to bob your head up and down her length, hollowing your cheeks which she loves. Lizzie let's out a loud moan and gathers your hair in a ponytail so she can see your face.

"Deeper baby please!"

Granting her wishes you force your head down until your nose brushed against her pelvis and you gag around her. She moans so loud that you're 100%  sure everyone downstairs can hear her.

"Baby shh you gone get us caught."  You whined as you pulled back for a second.

That's one thing about your wife that drove you wild. The fact that she was so fucking loud. You learnt that the very first time you slept together. It shocked you quite a lot to know someone so dominant would be so loud but it drove you absolutely insane. The way she moans in your ear while she fucks you, she'll pant and groan and make you absolutely fucking feral.

"Your mouth feels so fucking good baby fuck! You look so pretty sucking my dick like that." Lizzie praises as she pushes your head down more.

You smile as well as you can and move one of your hand to cup her balls (I'm so sorry😭😭) the way she likes it.

Lizzie falls back against the bed, chest heaving as she grasps the sheets, the pleasure making her mind go crazy. A little salvia mixed with her pre cum (sorry again) drips down her cock as you keep deepthroating her. Lizzie moans even louder as her cock hits the back of your throat.

"Fuck im so close baby don't stop." She whines as her body started to tremble, making her hands and toes curl.

"Hey y'all is everythi- OH MY GOD!"

Lizzie suddenly sits up which forces her deeper down your throat cause you to cough and gag. Lizzie panics between trying to cover up herself and help you from coughing up a lung.

"Kathryn what the hell?!?" Lizzie exclaims rubbing your back whilst throwing a blanket over her lap.

"We were worried because y'all were just gone for so long I just wanted to check up. But I wasn't aware that's what y'all had gotten into." Kathryn says awkwardly from outside the door.

"Sorry Kath we'll be down in a minute." Liz said still rubbing your back.

"No yeah it's fine. Take your time."

Lizzie groans embarrassingly when she hears the footsteps go away. "I'm so sorry baby. Are you okay? You've never reacted like that before."

"Yeah I'm fine it just took me by surprise I guess. I'm good don't worry." You reassure her and give her a smile.

You and Elizabeth looked at each other for about a minute and you both burst out into laughter. Unfortunately, that's not the first time Kathryn has caught you guys having sex. At this point y'all should be paying for her therapy.



Also I updated 😝😝😝 gimmer some more ideas😘

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