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⚠️TW!⚠️ Little talk about ED. Heavy talk about body hatred!⚠️

There you stood in front of you and Lizzie's shared bathroom mirror. Your towel pooled at your feet and eyes brimmed with tears. You couldn't stand the way it looks. Everyone else thought it was beautiful but you absolutely hated it. You hated your body.

Growing up you were always the chubby kid and everyone including your parents bullied you for it. But when you started to get older you were getting tired of it, so you lost some weight. Lots of it.

But that still didn't stop people from bulling you. Being a celebrity comes with a lot of cons including, haters. Recently you've been getting lots of hate about your body, how you look, and about your ED.
And that made you really look at yourself and what you saw was very ugly to you.

So now here you are standing in front of the bathroom mirror staring at your naked body but mostly just looking at your stomach. You was just poking at it and looking hoping it'll just go away, hoping that all the negative comments would go away but they never did.

The more you think about the comments the sadder you get. At this point tears are streaming down your face as you looked at your body through the mirror. When you look up from your body your eyes get caught by her piercing green eyes.

When you realize that she's been standing there just watching you, you quickly put on your underwear and leave the room thanking God that she didn't say anything.

As you quickly try to grab your clothes from out of your drawer, cold hands come up from behind you and protectively wrap around you. You keep trying to grab your clothes until she turns you around and cups your face.

"sorry" you say in a low whisper from embarrassment.

"My love why didn't you tell you were feeling like this?" Lizzie says looking into your eyes with a sympathetic look.

"I don't know I didn't think it was important plus everyone else thinks so.  I mean look at me I look disgusting. I don't even understand why your with me you should just listen to everyone else and just break up with me." What you said shocked Lizzie since she thought you were the most beautiful thing to walk the earth and she loved you with her whole heart.

"Baby don't you dare say that about yourself. You my love are absolutely beautiful doesn't matter what anybody else says. I love every part of you, because you're absolutely amazing. And whoever says anything different are just jealous of you. Their jealous that they don't look as beautiful as you and they aren't as smart or as funny as you. Don't listen to any of those comments you and your body are gorgeous."

After Lizzie said that you immediately just broke down into her arms. She wraps her arms around you protectively and slowly takes you over to the bed and lets you let it all out.

"I'm sorry" You say managing to get it through your sobs.

"It's okay baby it's not your fault, you're amazing and beautiful and I love you so so much."

"I love you too and thank you for loving and caring for me."

Lizzie pulls your face up from her chest and brings you into a passionate kiss that was full love.

"My pleasure darling" Lizzie says pulling away from the kiss.

"Can we go to sleep now?" You ask tired from all your crying.

"Of course my love"

And with that you and Lizzie both get under your duvet, you rest your head in the crook of  her  neck while she places a kiss on your forehead and wraps her arms around your body. You soon drifted off to sleep, all of the negative comments leaving your mind and you just being happy that you're safe and loved by the only person that matters to you.

A/N- Sorry for not updating for a while school and home has been a lot. I also did this on my phone cs my laptop got taken away so I apologize if it's bad.

Hope you guys like this one and if you want you can leave any request that you guys have.
Thank you all for so much reads and votes!!!! That makes me so so happy.😁 I love you guys so much.

And I want everyone to know that you are an absolutely beautiful human being no matter what anybody says. And you can do whatever you put your mind to and don't let anybody put you down, always keep you head high. Don't forget to eat something and drink some water today.I'm proud of you and Love you lots.❤️😁

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