⚠️"I don't feel like sleeping"

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A/N: This is a smut chapter. Watch out and please proceed with Caution.


The first thing you felt was warm air hitting the side of your neck, before a pair of lips began planting soft kisses along the base. It was subtle, the way the kisses were placed delicately and precisely. You could feel the slight sting of teeth scraping against your skin and that's what caused your eyes to finally open.

It was no doubt in your mind that your wife was the reason for the sudden wake up call, your eyes glanced over the clock on your bedside table and it read just a little past two in the morning. You finally shifted in the arms that were encasing you to face the perpetrator.

A glint of a smile spread across her lips when she realized she had victoriously woken you up, her teeth showing in the slightest as you looked over her features.

"Liz, baby, what have I told you about interrupting my beauty sleep?" You murmured before a yawn overtook you.

Her hand reached up to swipe gently at your cheek, as she moved her head so it was back in the crook of your neck.

"Lizzie" you spoke more sternly this time and just received a hum in response, as she began to gently suck the pale skin of your neck in between her lips. You couldn't stop your eyes from closing as they did, and it was the reaction of you slightly leaning your head back to give her more access that Lizzie knew she had you where she wanted you.

"I don't feel like sleeping," her hands slid up your sides as she softly spoke her words, fingers dipping beneath your t-shirt as they met your warm skin, ghosting across it, causing goosebumps to rise in their wake. Your mind was fogged, and you have your half awake state to blame for that. "I wanna do you instead."

Her fingers stopped right below the valley of your breasts, teasing, and it took the slightest arch of your back, pushing yourself further into herself grasp that she gave in to her urges and firmly grasped one of your breasts in her palm. A whimper escaped you at the contact, your nipples immediately hardening under her touch, and she smirked against your neck, loving how reactive your body was for her.

"Baby please" you whispered as her fingers pinched your already hardened nipple, causing a soft moan to emit from you. Lizzie pulled away suddenly, adjusting her position so she was straddling your waist, looking down at you like a predator with its prey. You looked up at the woman before you, bringing your lip between your teeth, watching in the faint light of the moon as her eyes darkened.

Your hand came up and wrapped itself around the back of her neck, as you pulled her down for a heated, and sloppy kiss. Her tongue invading your mouth the second your lips met, both of you releasing breathy moans upon the contact. Her hips began to rock against you, as your free hand gripped her waist, aiding in her subtle movements.

Her lips detached from yours, and you couldn't stop the whine that left you as you chased her lips. "Uh uh, there will be none of that," she spoke sternly as she began to descend down your body. "M' sorry," you whimpered as she kissed over your clothed breasts, before grabbing the hem of your shirt and lifting it over your head.

"Just let me make you feel good." And you didn't object as her lips wrapped around your nipple and sucked harshly, a loud moan ripped from your throat as your back arched off the bed, your hands gripping the sheets as she began her assault. She tugged and sucked at your breasts, switching back and forth between them, sucking deep, purple bruises all over them, her favorite place to mark you.

"Please Lizzie, I need more," you panted out as you lifted yourself up to rest on your elbows, as she pulled away from your breast, a trail of saliva connecting her bottom lip to your nipple present, and the sight made you want to drool. "Using such good manners for me huh baby? Want me to fuck you that bad?" She teased and you nodded quickly, as she chuckled darkly.

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