It's all over

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You get out of the car and sigh, slamming the car door.  You have had a really long day at work and you decided that cuddling with your wife would fix everything. The thought of your beautiful wife placed a big smile on your face. As you headed up the front steps you noticed that the door was slightly ajar.

"Weird." You mumbled to yourself.

You opened the door and closed it back looking around.


No answer. Your heart began to beat a little faster as you began to worry. As you looked down to take off your shoes, you saw an unfamiliar pair of shoes there. You looked at it for a moment wondering whose it was.

Did she buy me new shoes, you thought to yourself. You decided to go upstairs and see where she was. Grabbing your bag you head upstairs. As you reach the top you hear moaning which was odd.

"Don't stop" You heard your wife's voice say.

You walked into you and Lizzie's shared room and the scene that was in front of you broke your heart. You couldn't believe it. Your very own wife was cheating on you. And to make it even worse she was cheating on you with her ex. Robbie.

"Baby I-I can ex-"

You stepped back shaking your head not saying a word. The amount of pain you felt couldn't be expressed with words. Elizabeth quickly got up and put on her robe walking towards you.

"Baby, please just let me explain.."


Lizzie hung her head, felling guilty and ashamed. Robbie just sat on the bed staring at the wall. You stared at him for a moment, then back down at Lizzie. Tears filled your eyes and they began to fall. You were never the type to cry or show emotion but this did it, this one really took the bait.

You turned around and started packing up your stuff while Lizzie and Robbie watched helplessly. They knew that there was nothing to say or do to make this situation better. Before you walked out you turned around and looked her in the eyes.

"It should have come to this." You started to say.

"We were perfect together, we had an absolutely amazing marriage but then you go and ruin with this guy. If you were unhappy you could've just told me instead of sleeping with him behind my back. You made a commitment to me *shows ring finger*. This is the commitment we made, we were suppose to stay together tell death do us part remember?We were gonna start a family and everything but now thanks to you it's all over." You say as tears stream down both of yall's faces.

Now all of you were crying, including Robbie. You looked back at Robbie then back to Lizzie. Shaking your head you slid off your wedding ring and threw it onto the ground and started walking out.

"I'm sorry" You hear her whisper.

"Fuck you Elizabeth." 


HEY GUYSS!!! I'm so sorry for not updating for a while, it's just because it's the last couple weeks of school and we have been doing non stop work. I hope you guys like this one and I'll try to update more. No hate to Robbie though I'm sure he's a good man and I thank him for taking care of my wife for me when I'm away. :)

 *GAY PANIC TIME* Did you guys see Elizabeth at the M.O.M premiere!!!!! LITERALLY BREATHTAKING!!!!! She looked sooooo good! And the amount of content of her we've been getting is insane!! I'm just glad she's doing okay and still looking as beautiful as ever. I just love her so so much.

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