She says i love you for the first time

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No hate at all towards Scarlett I absolutely love her!! And I also know she is such a kind nice and beautiful person but let's pretend she's a bit of a bitch for this one😉

You were sat in the set chair with your script in your lap, but you weren't paying attention to that right now. What you were paying attention to was the most beautiful woman in the world, your girlfriend, Elizabeth Olsen. She was just everything that you ever wanted and more.

You watched as she shifted her gaze to you with a smile, you responded by winking at her. Scarlett rolled her eyes and walked over, sitting down beside you "Hey Y/N how about me and you get out of here and have a little fun." Scarlett said nudging me.

"Scarlett!!" Lizzie shouted while she ran up and stood by your other side "Back off she's mine!" Scarlett shakes her head and looks at you  "I can please you anytime you want darling."

Elizabeth tapped your leg "Honey you know I'd  do anything for you." You shook your head yes and sighed, Scarlett smirked "I'm very flexible." 

You watched as your girlfriend panicked and blurred out "Scarlett what the hell is wrong with you! You try to steal my girlfriend when you know you have your own waiting for you when you get home! Y/N is mine and I love her!"

Scarletts eyes widened as she listened to Lizzie. Your jaw fell open as you stared at your girlfriend in awe of what she just said. Lizzie didn't seem to realise what she just said but everyone else in the room heard her loud and clear.

She looked at you and shrugged "What?" You closed your mouth and took a second to reply "Y-You love me?" Lizzie suddenly turned a deep red when she finally realised "Oh um sorry." You shook your head "Girl is you crazy!? I love you too!" You cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply.

Scarlett scoffed and rolled her eyes "Please. I could suck your face better." Chris sighed "Scarlett! Let them have their romantic moment. Jeez."

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