She wakes you up for cuddles(requested)

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Lizzie trudged up the stairs into you guys shared  room. Her stress filled face softening as her gaze landed on you. The room was dark, the only light was from the moon and pole lights peeking through the curtains. 

She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, then changed into her pajamas which was just a oversized shirt and her underwear. When she came back she gave you a kiss on the head then let out a content sigh as she hit the mattress. She closed her eyes thinking she'll fall right to sleep but for some reason she couldn't.

She closed her eyes again turning to her side hoping to just fall asleep. When she opened her eyes again looking at the alarm clock surprised to see how much time has past knowing that she could be sleeping this whole time. She knew what she need, she just needed to be in your arms.

The only problem was she would hate to wake you up especially cause you looked so relaxed and peaceful sleeping. But she knew that for her to sleep it would have to with her in your arms. She turned to her other side facing you contemplating on wether not she should touch you.

She began tapping your shoulder and whispering your name trying to wake you. You slowly woke up turning around to see her with a sad/nervous expression on her face.

"Lizzie? Baby whats wrong? Are you okay?"

"Um yeah I'm fine, It's just that I- I can't sleep and I've been trying to for so long but it's not working and I've had a really long day and just want cuddles."

You couldn't help the smile that was forming on your face. You turned around then pulled her down on top of you so you could hold her. She put her head in the crook of your neck and planted a few kisses.

"Do you wanna talk about your day?" You said even though you were really tired but you know that she loves talking about her days especially the good ones.

"Not really, I mean it wasn't that bad but it also wasn't good. It's just that people weren't copperating and they were pissing me off and making everything much harder."

"Well I'm sorry you didn't have the best day, but I'm sure you'll have a better day tomorrow."

"Thanks, I'm just glad I'm finally home and in your arms."

She reached up to kiss your lips both of you letting out a content sigh. When she laid back on your chest she placed more kisses on your neck. When she finally stopped she tightened her arms around your waist.

"Goodnight love"

"Goodnight my darling I hope you have the best day tomorrow."

Lizzie Olsen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now