Cherry Flavored Kisses💋

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⚠️Just smut.It's real icky n I kinda hate it but whatever😝

Lizzie let out a exhausted sigh as she crawled into your shared bed, draping her arms around you pulling you closer ready to fall asleep after a long day.

you shifted slightly pushing your bare cunt along her thigh spreading your slick along it making her smirk. she moved you onto your back, she lifted one of your thighs onto her lips spreading your pussy open.

A moan left your lips as the cold air of your bedroom hit your puffy, cum slicked pussy and kirby tsked at the sight as she moved to lay between your legs.

Her tongue flattened on your cunt swiping up to your sensitive clit making your hips buck as a quiet moan left your mouth. Lizzie repeatedly the action scooping your release into her mouth and she hummed against you.

Your eyes fluttered slightly at the pleasure and your fingers tangled into her hair as she looked up at you through her eyelashes.

"hi ." you muttered sleepily, enjoying the view before you.

"hi, princess." Lizzie replied, pulling away from your core for a moment to kiss your lips, " you missed me so much, you had to take matters into your own hands, hm?"

you nodded with a pout, "sorry. it's just you were gone all day and i missed you."

"It's okay, baby."Lizzie muttered, noticing that you were getting upset due to just waking up, "I'm not mad at you."

A small smile appeared on your lips and Lizzie pecked your nose softy before dipping back down to your cunt, wrapping her lips around the sensitive bundle of nerves sucking softly.

A loud moan escaped your lips as your head fell back at the blissful feeling that filled your body, "you make me feel so good baby . Better than my own fingers."

Lizzie smirked proudly plunging her tongue into your tight hole making you whine already sensitive to the feeling.

Your hands attached to Lizzie's arms that were wrapped around your waist, holding you still as she worked you up to your orgasm.

"getting close." you breathed out, gripping onto her as the coil in your stomach tightened, "gonna cum, please."

Lizzie's lips never left your cunt, building up the pressure more and more as loud moans fell from your sweet lips. Lizzie watched as your bare chest rose and fell rapidly, and your eyes screwed up in bliss.

"gonna cum, fuck. please let me cum."

Lizzie didn't really understand why you were begging — knowing no matter how mad she was, or how disobedient you had been, lizzie always let you cum.

Small tears fell down your face as you tried to push off your orgasm waiting for your wife's permission.

"baby, you can cum. don't need to ask."
Lizzie whispered and you let out an exhausted cry finally letting your orgasm wash over you.

Lizzie sat beside you, brushing your hair softly waiting for you to come back to her, "you're okay, my love. did so good for me." she whispered reassuringly.

you're fucked out eyes opened slowly as you glanced up at her, "was i good?"

"oh, baby..."lizzie muttered, leaning down and pecking your forehead, "you did amazing for me, you're my best girl."

you smiled softly at the praise nodding cuddling into her legs, "don't get too comfortable, angel. gotta get you cleaned up, okay?"


And before Lizzie could even get off the bed, you had fallen back to sleep. the blonde woman smiled adoringly at your sleeping frame, falling in love all over again as she watched your chest rise and fall softly.

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