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You were at a dinner party with Lizzie's family as well as your own. You have met her family before and have gotten close to them, especially to Lizzie's mom, Jarnette.  Tonight was a special night as you and Lizzie were celebrating your three year anniversary together.

To make it all the more special, Lizzie had surprised you by putting the dinner party as a dinner cruise and go cruising around Long Beach, California.

You had never have had this much fun before, spending time with loved ones, making a room full of laughter and joy. Being there together like one big happy family.

There was one thing you didn't have any idea of what was to come...  You were in the middle of a stomp dance when Lizzie told you she would go grab you both a drink from the bar.

You nodded and she kissed you softly while you watched her walk to what you thought was the bar. It was getting wild once the song, "Bih Better have my money" had come on.

The whole deck became the dancing deck and just as you were about to join in and enjoy yourself with the crowd, a cackling sound coming from the mic grabbed everyone's attention and the music was shut off.  

Someone had cleared their throat and you turned to see that it was your girlfriend, Elizabeth Olsen.  You had only thought she'd give a speech about your three years together and ask you for a dance. But that wasn't it at all; it was so much more.

Everyone turned to face her direction as you did the same, waiting for what was to come next. You smile at her as she looked at you and smiled.

"As you know, me and Y/n have been together for three years now. Y/n, these years have been the best ones of my life, but three years isn't enough..."  

Your heart rate picked up as she said this, and you could feel the warmth spreading through you. When Lizzie motioned for you to join her on the small stage, you make your way over.

Once there, she offered her hand to help you on stage. She had her other hand behind her back and it was clear that she was hiding another big surprise for you.  Now that you were closer to her, she takes your hand with a soft touch of love and continues her speech.  

"Y/n, you have made me the happiest woman I have ever been. You bring me so much joy and you make me feel loved and I want that always. I have thought of this these years and I know it's something I've been waiting for, ready for, and it's something I want to keep forever. I strongly feel you are my world, my life. So.."   

The crowd lets out gasps as well as yourself, not believing what was presented in front of your very eyes.

  "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you let me share more of my life with you? For the rest of our days?"   

You nod, that was all you could do. You were speechless, you had tears of joy running down your cheeks as Lizzie slipped the ring on your finger and pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

The crowd applauded and cheered for you, you look over to them and held up your hand the ring was on and they cheered you on even more. A slow dance had come on and Lizzie asked you to dance with you.

"I love you so much, Y/n."

"I love you too, Lizzie. More than you can imagine."

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