You surprise her from tour

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This is the longest the Olsen couple had been away from each other. You had to go on tour and you had to go for 10 whole months! You were only on month 6 and you and Lizzie both were dying without each other. 

                                                                 Lizzie's Pov

We were at a Comic-Con panel today and I obviously wasn't excited about it. I mean I missed everybody but I missed my wife even more. She wasn't able to make it to comic-com because she had to go on tour and she's been gone for six months. 

I missed her so so much and she's usually with me at all these events for when I get nervous but now she's not and she won't be for another 4 months. I miss waking up to her, I miss her amazing scent, and her terrible but funny jokes, I just miss Her.

I was broken out of my deep thought by my agent telling me that it was my turn to go on stage. I took a deep breath in and out trying to forget about how much I'm missing my y/n. 

I walked out on stage giving my best smile, greeted by the fans shouting and clapping. We all sat down and started answering questions. Most of my questions were going good until..

" So Elizabeth how come y/n isn't here? How'd you guys start without her?" A fan asked.

                                                                       Y/N's Pov

That was my cue. I've been hiding behind stage away from the cast waiting for the fake "fan" to ask this question for me to enter. I quickly walk On stage strutting in my white. jumpsuit. "Yeah how did you guys start without me?" My fans immediately started screaming as soon as they saw me.  

"OH MY GOD!!" RDJ shouted causing me to laugh. 

I finally see her. Lizzie her jaw wide open in shock of seeing me. Scarlett broke her out of her shocked state and told her to go then suddenly she ran to me and jumped in my arms. 

" Welp I didn't except this" Renner said 

                                                                      Lizzie's Pov

I can't believe she was here and I was finally in her arms. With tear streaming down my face   I bought my face up from her neck and kissed her. Our first kiss in months. I can't explain how happy I was in this moment. 

"Ahem we're still here y'know. " Rdj said causing to break the kiss and making  y/n put me down the both of us looking at each other with goofy smiles on our face. Y/n went back stage to let us finish since they didn't have a chair set up for her. I couldn't help the smile that was on my face the rest of the panel and I couldn't wait to go home and be in my wife's arms. 

 *time skip to home*

Now i'm laying on top of y/n just enjoying her presence and turns out Y/n's tour got cut short because of a virus or something so now she's only be gone a month when she leaves in 3 days. I'm sure the virus will just go away but i'm now gonna take in these next 3 days. 

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