You find her🤺

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You were walking home since you made a stupid ass "healthy" decision to drive your bike to work and then it got frickin STOLEN.
So you had been walking for about five minutes when you spot someone being harassed in the corner you wanted to help her since you were a decent human being and was quite scary, so you walk up to them and fake cough to gain there attention.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of the men ask "Your worst nightmare bitch" I tell them and they start laughing at me like I'm stupid.

"Mind your business woman we're busy" He told me but I didn't move I just stood there staring straight into his soul "Did not hear me? I said scram!" I just fold my arms still staring at him "Ok fine let's give you what you want "

After that he sent a punch straight to your face, but you being the bad bitch(💅) you are caught with your hand. You start to fight them one by one until they were all knocked out. You quickly went to the girl who had her head in between her knees.

"Hey are you ok mam?" You ask the lady as she slowly lifts up her head to look at you. "Um yeah thanks I'm good thank you so so much" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Do you have a name or ?" I asked "Oh um yeah it's Elizabeth I'm Elizabeth... Olsen" she said nervously " Ok well Elizabeth Olsen I'm gonna go now so you be careful okay?" I said looking into her beautiful eyes.

It took me a minute to realize how beautiful she was ,how perfect her face and hair was, how beautiful her eyes were, how plum and soft her lips looked. I get up to go leave but was stopped by her soft hands pulling me back down.

"Can I maybe um get your number.. y'know just in case "she asked. I got my purse, grabbed some paper and a pen and I wrote my number down with a little heart next to it obviously.

"There you go. You call me if you need anything yeah?" I told her with a smile and she nods her head repeatedly with a huge smile on her face.

I get up and walk a with this big ass smile on my face looking like a whole idiot. But I didn't really care cause I just saved a real pretty girl plus she asked for my number FUCK YEAH.

I really don't know what this was I just felt like doing it and I needed something to post so...
If you guys have any ideas just comment them or message me.

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