-side story-

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Harry's POV
I smiled as I watched Louis cooking. Beau was at Niall's today since he was recording an audition for her. I sighed happily to myself and chuckled as Louis cursed at the fish he was trying to slice up but it was just getting all smushed some how. I often sit and think about moments I've had with Louis, moments that led up to now, us being married for so many years already. Like this one time-

~5 years ago~
"God come on Louis I can't help this" I begged with him. He groaned loudly, I was thankful Beau was at school. "Harry every time I plan a date for us and you say "yeah love I'll make sure to set that time aside" and then you tell me the day before the plans that something came up. Come on. Now I have a right to be a bit frustrated, this is the fifth time Harry. FIFTH. Three of the things I've planned were non refundable by the way which is why I said to set that time aside". I sighed "Louis you know I would if I could but I have this tv show appearance my agent got and I can't get out of it. I promise I'll have a chat with my agent and tell him that if I give him a date to set aside time for me, he needs to give it to me. Okay" I said as I slowly pulled him to me. He sighed and turned around and went up the stairs and I huffed and looked down. "Well..." I heard Louis voice say making my head snap up. I looked up to see him unbuttoning his jeans and my heart immediately sped up again, but this time not from him being upset. "You coming or not?" He said with a sassy smirk. I grinned and started pulling my shirt off as I took off after him. I swear he started fights just to take it out on me like this, and I am NOT complaining.


"Hazza can you please help me" Louis said annoyed as he set the knife down. I laughed and happily complied taking over slicing the fish, Louis teased how "of course I had no issue" with slicing the fish and I laughed and thought about this one time when Louis and I were really drunk and-

~2 years ago~
"H-Hazza give me that bottle" Louis slurred a bit as he motioned for the wine bottle on the table. I giggled, drunk myself as I poured us both another glass with what was left in the bottle. We had gotten a very expensive wine that was very high percentage according to the waitress. I paid for the bill, leaving more than enough for tip in cash and we stumbled our way out through the side door. "W-where's the car?" Louis asked as he leaned against me drunk. I wrapped my arm around his waist and he nuzzled into my neck. It was a bit chilly out so his warm breathe on my neck sent chills into my face and I hummed. "This way love" I said as I led him to my car that was waiting. We climbed in the back and I hit the button that creates a little private backseat for us. It obviously isn't sound proof completely but it helps. Louis nuzzled into me after we strapped in and my driver took off. He slid his hand under my shirt and mumbled "you're warm" into my neck as he slid his hand up my chest. I got shivers and whispered "Lou you're gonna make me hard". I could feel his smirk on my skin. He slid his hand down slowly and hovered above my jeans before sliding down and palming me through them. I bit my lip to keep from making any sound and immediately grabbed his face and connected our lips. He moaned into the kiss but I pulled away and whispered "you have to be quiet doll". He smiled drunkenly and I smiled and giggled a bit drunk still too. We reconnected our lips and palmed each other practically the whole drive home. As soon as our driver pulled in we hurried inside and I could barely close the front door before Louis threw his arms around my neck. He connected our lips again and I kicked off my shoes and picked him up bridal style. He kicked off his shoes and we kissed as I brought him to the couch. I didn't feel like I was sober enough to carry him up any stairs right now. We sloppily kissed on the couch before we pulled away panting. We both started giggling drunkenly and Louis just stared at me. "What?" I asked nuzzling his nose with mine. "I love you" is all he said and I smiled back, nuzzling his neck "I love you." I kissed him again and again and we went back to making out.

"ITS ON FIRE" I laughed loudly " Louis! It's just the oil you have the heat on way too high, look just flip it" I instructed and he laughed "you know after all this time being with you, you'd think I could cook by now" he joked. I snickered pecking his forehead as he flipped the fish carefully like I said. I started cutting potatoes and smiled glancing at him, I loved his face of concentration. He really was a terrible cook without me around. Even Beau had picked up some things and could make a good meal but Louis still seems to just fight the kitchen. "Hazz they're done, now what" Louis said as brought the plate of the fried fish over by me. "Now we fry the rice" I said pointing to the white rice we had. He nodded "okay how do I do it". I laughed "alright I'll help" I said and grabbed  spices as he grabbed the rice. As I put the rice on the hot pan and steam shot up, it reminded me of when-

~6 years ago~
"Hazz your show was amazing! You have some funny fans" Louis said chuckling, and then telling me about some of the signs he saw. I laughed as we walked into the hibachi place, I was excited Louis came. We got seated and the server took our orders for what type of meat we wanted and such. "I still think it's funny how your drummer Mitch, had so many admirers and you like to tell them to look at you instead", I gave Louis a cheeky grin "like I said it's about" I joked. He chuckled and slapped my shoulder lightly "seriously, your presence on stage. It's... well it's always just so, hot" he admitted. I blushed, Louis and I have been together just over a year but for some reason it still feels like we just started dating when he says stuff like that to me. I cleared my throat "well, considering how distracted I was this show I'm surprised, but thank you" I said offering him a peck on the cheek. The chef came out and began prepping the stove and food and such "why were you distracted?" Louis asked softly, I answered close to his ear "I knew you were here, I just wanted to look at you and sing to you. Hurry up and sing so I could be close to you" I said truthfully. I pulled away seeing his face now red, he smiled softly and sipped his water. I chuckled and we gave our attention to the chef who put the rice down causing a bunch of steam to rise in front of us. "You want to catch the veggie?" The chef asked us as he cut the vegetables. We both nodded and he threw one to me and I caught, he threw one to Louis and it boiled his nose and flung away. He asked to try again and this one hit his forehead and he quit. I chuckled as Louis declined when the man asked if he wanted to catch sake in his mouth too.

"Harry grab the plates please, you keep putting them on this high shelf and I can't reach them all" he said annoyed, I smirked "so are you admitting that you're-" "Harry I will donkey kick you into the backyard if you say I'm short". I chuckled "I didn't say it, you did". I started running as he grabbed a wooden spoon.

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