chapter 25 - 26

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Harry's P.O.V

I was in a meeting with my team about my Birthday coming up in a couple weeks. Time seems like it's been going really slowly and it's been amazing. I mean of course I have been working. Interviews, shoots, a few events but they wanted to have a huge birthday bash in LA for my birthday, they already had it planned it out and had which celebs were invited an had my family available to be flown out. Louis said Beau and him could fly out for my birthday of course but from what I was hearing Beau wasn't going to be able to come to this party. I made sure when I surprised Louis that Beau could be there but since my team is making an event out of this she won't be able to go. It's going to be in a club. Niall would be in LA already since he is doing work with an American singer friend of his Ellie so I know he wouldn't mind watching her but still.

My car pulled up to Louis and I got out walking up to the door and walked in "hello ello" I said smiling "hey" I slid my boots off and walked to the living room where Louis was on his laptop "hi babe" I smiled and sat by him "hey" I kissed him lingering for a moment and looked at his lap "what are you working on". He hummed "someone pitched a charity that we have already did twice last year, and it is a very good charity but we also need to make sure we can do a variety of charity's and make sure we can get as much around as possible so I'm doing some extra planning to see if we can combine it with another charity and make it so two get donated to" I nodded "you're amazing Lou" he chuckled "I'm trying". I smiled and then sighed "so I met with my management and they told me what the plan is for my birthday" he smiled "yes LA right" I nodded "right.. but sadly they planned the party at a club and Beau won't be able to come" he sighed "well that's okay, I mean you were sweet enough to make my party okay for her yours is different. you are a famous celeb" I smiled and shrugged "yeah I suppose" "we should still explain why I know she was excited, I'm sure Niall can watch her I'l text him" he said grabbing his phone "yeah that's what I thought". Louis texted Niall and he said he had no problem with it "Beau can you come here" Louis said as we moved to the kitchen "yes" she said as she hopped down the stairs "so for Harry's birthday we are flying to the states.. but you won't be able to go.." Louis explained and her face dropped "I'm not why?" she looked at me and I sighed feeling a twinge in my heart "love it's not that I don't want you there, I do.. but the people who planned it planned it in a place that kids can't go" she sighed "I understand". "But hey Niall is going to hang out with you yeah?" she smiled softly "okay" she walked over and hugged me before she went back upstairs and I sighed "how do you do that.." he looked at me "do what" "give bad news.." he chuckled "it never gets easier trust me".

I sighed as I set my bag on the bed, on the flight I could tell Beau wasn't as excited since she couldn't come but Louis said it would be fine. I made sure we got a suite so Beau could have her own room instead of staying in the living room. "Well what time is the party tomorrow?" Louis asked as we moved our bags around and got a bit settled "the limo is picking us up at 6.. do you know what you're wearing?" I asked as sat on the bed "probably this" he said holding up a cute blazer.

After we made sure Beau was comfy at Niall's we hugged and kissed her bye. I could tell she was sad she wasn't spending my birthday with us. We were in the limo sipping n wine "happy birthday H" he said clinking his glass to mine. I smiled "I'm already 26" he chucked "still a baby" I rolled my eyes and smiled "there might be a lot of paparazzi so be ready" I warned and he nodded. As we had the door opened for us I could already see all the flash, I got out first and helped Louis out. I had my arm around him and we walked in together ignoring whatever the paps were yelling. I had one of my favorite Gucci suits on for tonight. As we got into the the club the music was loud and here were a lot of people, I was lead to my table area with Louis and I smiled seeing Ed "hey mate" "hey happy birthday" he said hugging me "Ed this is Louis, Louis Ed" he smiled and they hugged "nice to meet you". I introduced Louis to a lot of my friends. Cara and Louis hit it off really well, as did he with pretty much everyone. I'm not surprised though, Louis is amazing. Louis and I were in a group of my friends drinks in our hands and dancing and Louis gripped my arm and I slid my arm around his waist "Happy birthday babe" Louis said in my ear making me smile. I was having fun but this isn't really what I wanted to do for my birthday. I would rather have done something like I did for Louis, close friends and family just having fun. We had been here going on two hours already and I smiled pulling Louis to the side "come on" "come where?" He asked laughing "we're leaving" he looked confused "what?" I didn't answer and just tugged him carefully out the exit and told my security to get the car. When it pulled up we went through the paparazzi who were all yelling "Why are you leaving" "you're leaving your own party?!" And such. We climbed in the car and I smiled happy, don't get me wrong I love my friends there but I hated when management took special events and used it as promo. When we got to the Hotel I told Louis to wait in the car and I hurried inside and in the elevator. I went up to Niall's Hotel room and knocked "who is- hey Harry mate I thought you had that birthday party... for you" I laughed softly "I did... wheres Beau?" "She's in the room watching a movie, Beau come here.. what are you up to?" Niall asked as he moved so I could come in. I smiled seeing Beau, she thankfully was still in jeans and a T-shirt "shoes on come on" I told her "Harry why-" "come on" I said grabbing her shoes from by the door and sliding them to her. She giggled and put them on and I threw her over my shoulder "Bye Niall" he laughed "Bye". I carried her in the elevator and she kept laughing "Harry what are you-" "sh" was all I would say and she would giggle. I walked out to the car and set her in the car carefully. Louis smiled and hugged Beau "Harry what are you doing" I smiled "as much as I love a party... I would rather us all go out to dinner" "you want family time instead of  party" Beau asked smiling at me after she strapped in. I smiled softly and looked at Louis then Beau "Yeah I would" I shot Louis a wink and he smiled softly.

We went to this place called Gregory's, which was like an American Nandos and had fun. we were being a little loud but none of us even cared. The restaurant staff brought me out a little ice cream thing with candles and sang me happy birthday, sadly a couple paps followed us but we ignored them. Over the last 7 months I have gotten really used to being around Louis and Beau and I like it, I love how it feels like... home. "Happy birthday Harry I love you" Beau said hugging me and I smiled "I love you too Beau" "I love you" Louis mouthed and I smiled and mouthed "I love you too".

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