chapter 43 - not ready

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Louis P.O.V

"I can't do this... this isn't okay. when did this even happen? Harry fix it" I said frantically as I pointed at Beau. She laughed and grabbed my finger "dad.. breathe... Its going to be okay.." I groaned "how is this okay?! I AM NOT READY" "darling I know this is a big deal but I really think you need to breathe. Harry said laughing as he recorded. I groaned "Mr. T calm down before you have a stroke" Audrey said and I looked at her "hey... I am only 31.... I am not old until I can't- never mind... Beau how could you let this happen". I said focusing on her again. She chuckled "dad seriously... It's just high school... I'm not even that nervous" she said and I pulled her in for a hug "I don't care if you're nervous, what about me?" she laughed "okay dad we have to go or I will be late... you don't want me to get in trouble do you". I hummed "you're right... I think you should just stay and not go at all. I like that idea" she laughed and kissed my cheek "I love you daddy" she walked over to Harry and kissed his cheek "I love you dad" he smiled "have fun be good, keep Audrey out of trouble". "Woah me? trouble why I would never get into-" she said and I looked at her and she smiled "okay yes Beau keep me out of trouble". They laughed and walked out the door and I smiled at her. The door closed behind them and I turned around to Harry who stopped recording when he saw my lip was pouting and I had tears in my eyes. "Awe boo bear.." he said pulling me in and I sniffled "when did she grow up so fast?... it feels like she just moved to the 6th grade now she is starting her first year of High school...". Harry sighed and rubbed my back "I know... I don't know where our little Beau went but she is still your little girl... now lets go upstairs and cuddle... we both have today off and I want to utilize it.." I laughed softly wiping my eyes "okay..". I started upstairs and stopped half way and turned looking at him "by cuddle you do mean make love until we can't move anymore right" he smiled "get that ass in our room." I smiled excitedly and made my way to the room.

Beau's P.O.V

I gripped my bag strap as I walked with Audrey. I was actually a lot more nervous then I led on to my dad, but he was already freaking out I didn't want to scare him even more. Even though Audrey and I both have successful acting careers we both want to do high school together. "Hey you'll be fine Beau" she said nudging me "what do you mean" she rolled her eyes "I know you and when you get nervous you twist your hair and bite your bottom lip. I furrowed my brow and stopped when I realized... I was twirling my hair and biting my lip. I stopped not even knowing I did that and sighed "I can't help it" she chuckled looping our arms "come on, we have to get to our class. you remembered your schedule right?" I nodded and she smiled "great.. we only dont have two classes together so the rest of the time we can make sure we sit together" I smiled as we walked into the first year building. we found our lockers which thankfully were only a couple lockers away from each other and were both top lockers.

Audrey pulled out some lip gloss and swiped it on her lips "what some?" I nodded and she touched under my chin and gently applied some "rub your lips together" she commanded and I did so as she let go "perfect, now come on... we really dont have anything to put in our lockers yet" I giggled as we walked arm in arm to our first class with someone named Mrs.Gibson. We walked in and Audrey and I took some seats in the center of the classroom. We were talking about this upcoming weekend, which is when she and I had our photo shoot for an American brand called 'Justice'. After the bell rang and all the seats were full Mrs. Gibson stepped around her desk and everyone turned their attention to her. "Good day class... I hope you find your first day to be pleasant. We're gonna talk about supplies you need for the year and what we will be learning for the first program". I took my notebook out and started taking notes on what she was saying. After she finished she sat in her desk "well since we have time before the net bell why don't we take the time to learn everyone's names... When I call your name on the role call stand up and introduce yourself". "First is Ethan Adams" I turned around and looked at him along with the rest of the class. I heard a couple girls whispering about how cute he was, Audrey leaned over and whispered "he is kind of cute don't you think?" I shrugged and looked at him "I'm Ethan... I like to play footie". "Alright thank you Ethan" Mrs.Gibson said as he sat down. She kept moving through the list and came to Audrey. "Audrey Marie?" She stood up and I heard a guy say "she's cute" and I looked at him then back at Audrey. "I'm Audrey and I'm an actress" "that's why she looks familiar" some girl said. After the list kept going it was finally my turn, she called my name and I stood up " I'm Beau Tomlinson... and I'm also an actress" "isn't her dad Harry styles" "oh yeah". I smiled and sat down. The bell finally rang and Audrey and I made our way out of the room "well that wasn't so bad" Audrey said looping our arms. I nodded "Hey Audrey...Beau wait up" a voice called from behind us. We stopped and both looked over our shoulders. It was Ethan. "Um I was wondering if you guys wanted to sit at our lunch table later?" he said scratching the back of his head. I furrowed y brow "who's we?" he pointed behind him at nothing in particular "well some of the other guys from our class and some friends of mine on the footie team" Audrey smiled "sure that would be fun". Ethan smiled "cool see you then" Audrey and Ethan weirdly smiled at each other and he walked away. I looked at her "don't tell me you want to try and go for that?" Audrey laughed "what? no way.. we have to make friends Beau. Besides have you met us. we will be the popular girls just because were so awesome" I laughed and someone bumped into my arm making my bag sling off my arm and onto the ground. "Oh I am so sorry" someone said reaching down and grabbing it. They stood up and held my bag out for me, somewhere in all of this my arm came away from Audrey's "Oh it's okay". My eyes locked with his and he smiled making a dimple on his cheek pop "...hi...I'm Lucas" I smile "I'm Beau.." I slid my bag back on my shoulder "why didn't I see you in my class?" I chuckled "well I'm only a freshman... I'm guessing you're older?" he smiled "not by too much... I'm a second year student... I'll see you around Beau". He walked away and I smiled "oh don't even go there" Audrey said when I turned around. "What" I said my voice going higher "older boys are especially a no" she said and hooked my arm tugging me close to her "okay mom" I said making her snort.

The rest of the day went smoothly, our teachers did the start of the year introductions and at lunch we sat with Ethan and all his friends. It actually went well. I looked around to see if I could see Lucas but I had no luck. After school Audrey and I walked to the bus stop "well I think we deserve a mall trip don't you?" Audrey said making me laugh "we do need to get an outfit for my dad's music event coming up". Harry released a new album called 'made in the A.M'. It should have been titled Louis Tomlinson though because it's basically an album about how much he loves my dad.

There was kind of a big crowd at the bus stop so after everyone got on Audrey and I stood at the front and held on to the pole "did you have an idea of what you wanted to get?" she asked as I texted my dads and told them Audrey and I were going to the mall after school. "maybe a dress, or a pants suit" I said and she laughed "pants suit? you really are a mix of Harry and your dad" I chuckled and the bus went over a huge bump making me almost fly back "whoa" I said grabbing the pole tighter. "Oh great... it's that guy" Audrey said making me look back an there he was. Lucas, the boy from the second year. He was reading a book, I lowered my head to try and see what book it was and the bus went over another bump "ah" I shrieked falling backwards, I tried to catch myself but instead. plop. "I am so sorry" I said looking at of course, Lucas. I fell into his lap. "well... Beau. we meet again" I laughed feeling my face get hot an I stood up "I am so sorry.. I guess we just seem to have a habit of being clumsy when we run into each other already" he chuckled an smiled up at me "I don't mind.." I bit my lip. "what book are you reading?" he smiled "it's called 'two ghosts'" My eyes lit up "no way... that's a book written about my dads" he laughed "no way?.. my mum really liked it and she knows I love reading so I figured why not give it a shot". I smiled "you don't care it's about two guys?" he laughed"should that matter". I felt my heart swell, he's like... perfect. "I don't want to be too forward but... can I get your number?" I smiled and nodded as he handed me his telly. I put my number and name in and handed it back before I felt a hand grab mine "stealing her bye" Audrey said tugging me back to where we were before. I laughed "what did I say about him" I laughed "come on I'm making friends... plus he's so nice" "yeah yeah our stop is coming up".

I laughed as I took a bite of my salad. I've been in school for over a week now and it's been great. Audrey was right we became pretty popular pretty fast. We have tried to miss as little school as possible with acting or modelling jobs. Lucas and I have gotten closer too, Audrey still says she doesn't like him but I think she's just being protective. I get protective of her too. "So there's a party this weekend at Damien folly's house" Layla said "who's that?" I asked "he's a 3rd year student, everyone is invited". "Well then let's go" Audrey said smiling at me.

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