48 - homecoming

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Beau's P.O.V
Audrey and I laughed as Lottie finished her hair and told us stories about the tour she went on. She did mine already and was doing Audrey's while I put lotion on my legs and my jewelry. "I'm so excited for tonight" I said as I looked in the mirror and touched up my makeup a bit. "Me too it's gonna be so much fun" Audrey said clapping her hands together, her phone buzzed on the bed and I grabbed it "wait don't look at that" she said making me furrow my brow "oh...okay" I said handing her the phone. I looked at my aunt as she finished the last piece of Audrey's hair. Lottie cleared her throat "okay well I'm all done just run your hands through the curls a bit and I will let you two finish getting ready" we both thanked her as she grabbed up her things and walked out, shutting my door behind her. Audrey was tapping away on her phone. It's so unlike her to freak out when I grab her phone. She and I have never had a problem letting the other see each other's phones. "so...why did you do that?" I asked as I sat on the edge of my bed and started putting my heels on. She looked up and let out a small laugh "do what?" "freak when I grabbed your phone" she smiled "sorry it's just my dad has been texting me about a surprise he has for my mum and I got over excited" I nodded "oh okay thats cool". She nodded and I slipped on my other heel. "Girls Lucas is here!" I smiled excitedly and turned around "oh my god he's here" she smiled softly and stood up "you look amazing B.. lets go" I smiled softly as we walked downstairs together. I messed with the chain on my purse nervously as I walked down and saw Lucas in a tux by the door with a rose. I smiled and felt a blush creep onto my cheeks "hi.." he smiled "hi, you look really nice" he said and I smiled "thank you so do you". "Okay pictures everyone" My dad said clapping his hands excitedly while Harry pulled out his camera. Lucas and I posed together and I smiled shyly. I couldn't help feel nervous. After Audrey and I took pictures together.. obviously i didn't feel nervous with her. I kept smiling and laughing for pictures because she would whisper something to me that only e knew about. "be safe girls have fun" My dad said as Harry put his arm around my dads waist. I smiled softly and followed Lucas out with Audrey, we were taking a limo (my dads insisted). I hope Lucas puts his arm around my waist like how my dads do to each other. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but I see the way they hold each other and its different then a regular hold.

When we pulled up to the school I saw a few other limos around, thank god I didn't want people to think we were showing off. Lucas smiled at me and held out his hand and I smiled taking it. he didn't interlock our fingers he just held my hand but it was still cute. Audrey walked by my side and we all went in. The DJ was playing loud music, right now Dua Lipa was being blasted. I smiled looking around at all the people dancing and the lights and decorations. "Hey Lucas!" a bunch of the guys from his team said coming around him. He let go of my hand and I backed up to avoid getting in the mix of boys. Audrey rolled her eyes as Lucas laughed and was center of attention for the guys "let's just meet up with him in a few and go find some of the girls" I shrugged "okay" Audrey smiled and wrapped her arm around my waist, her hand resting on my hip as she kept me close to her side. I stooped for a second and looked at her then kept walking and shrugged off the weird feeling I had... I think I'm still freaking out about being here with Lucas. We walked up to a small group of our friends with their dates or as a group and just hung out. We danced for a while and I kept looking for Lucas... I mean he is my date but he disappeared. "I'm gonna go look for Lucas" i said smiling and Audrey shrugged and nodded.

I walked around looking for Lucas and his group and finally found them in the center of the dance floor dancing around crazily. "Lucas... um can you maybe come back now?" I said shyly and he smiled "oh yeah of course.." he looked over my shoulder and put his arm around me "come on... later lads" they waved and i smiled softly as he had his arm around my shoulder and led me near the front of the dance. we started dancing a bit and I laughed as he danced all silly. But he kept looking over my shoulder. I finally turned around and saw what he was staring  at. It was his ex girlfriend Bria. I furrowed my brow when I saw her glaring at me and him... well mostly me. I looked at Lucas "why do you keep looking at Bria?" he stopped and shook his head "I wasn't... I only did because I kept feeling her staring" I nodded "oh okay" he shook his head "just ignore her".

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