Beau's P.O.V
I was sat with my manager in some room, there were a bunch of kids sitting with parents and managers waiting for our auditions. Its for a music video for this singer named Harry Styles. My managers name is Niall Horan. Daddy said hes a well known song writer in the music industry and is also apparently good friends with Harry and that's how he said he found out about this audition.
I tucked my hair behind my ear and kicked my feet and the little boy next to me tapped my shoulder. I smiled at him "hi" he smiled "hi I'm James" I smiled at the dark skinned boy, he had really pretty smile. "I'm Beau" he held out his hand and i smiled shaking it "I'm 8" he said proudly. I chuckled "I'm almost 10" he giggled "you're old" i snorted "am not" we both giggled. "Beau Tomlinson" a woman said stepping out of the separate room, I turned to Niall and he handed my my portfolio "have fun kid" I smiled "thanks Nialler". "good luck" James said and i smiled holding a thumbs up "thanks". I walked into the room and the woman closed the door behind me and she pointed to a small X on the ground and nicely told me to go stand on it. There was a table and a small group of people sitting behind it and a couple cameras.
A tall man stood up, he was wearing a white shirt and had a bandanna in his hair. He smiled nicely at me and walked to me "hello love" I smiled "hello" I held out my portfolio and he smiled taking it from me "thank you, Beau" he said reading it off my paper. He kind of looked like one of those princes you see on covers of books. he was almost as pretty as my dad, i think my dad is the most handsome.. but this guy is a close second. I giggled to myself and he looked at me smiling sweetly "well Beau I'm Harry" i nodded "nice to meet you". He shook my hand before going to sit down again and he looked through my book before looking at me "did you need any water or anything?" I shook my head "no thank you" he nodded "now there is no voice acting in this video, my song will be playing over it. but i have an idea in my head and i just want to see if you can help bring it to life okay Love?" I nodded fixing my hair behind my ear "yes I understand". I always try my best to sound more grown up in interviews so they know I'm professional, Niall said it makes directors know I'm easy to work with if I am more able to take directions respectfully. "would you be able to walk all the way to that wall and back and just look fierce, like you're the queen of the whole school" Harry said smiling nicely as he rested on his elbows. I nodded and walked as he said away and back with a serious and almost like i was ready to break everything. i stopped and Harry nodded smiling. A woman next to him whispered "she has the look" and Harry stood up and walked over "thank you love I think thats all we need" thats it?.. that was so fast "okay thank you". He handed me my portfolio and i noticed his nails were painted pink "ooh pretty nails" I said pointing at them and he smiled softly "thank you". I walked with the woman who led me in the first time and walked over to Niall and sighed softly hearing the woman say "James Gregor".
I smiled and said "good luck" he smiled and thanked me before hurrying to the woman. "how do you think you did?" Niall asked as he leaned forward. I huffed and looked at him "i was barley in there for a minute.. i only did one thing and they said i had the look then said that was all they needed". He smiled "that sounds promising Beau okay? Now they said that you could go home after your audition and they will call if you get it. are you ready to go" I nodded and jumped off the chair and walked with him to his car. I flipped through my portfolio as i was sat in the back "looking at your new portfolio?" Niall asked as he drove me home. "yes.. i looked at it a couple nights ago a little but just looking some more" I said reading some of my paper that says my previous work. I've done a lot of t.v commercials and some roles on shows. My biggest thing i did was act in this movie called "Rogue one, stars wars movie". "well your dad should be home right now so you can show him the new portfolio, i know he wanted to see your new head shots" I smiled excitedly "okay yeah". Once we got to my house i unbuckled and jumped out of the car with Niall as he walked me to the door. He opened the door and i skipped in "Daddy I'm home". It was Friday and i got to skip school for this audition. My dad walked out from the kitchen and smiled "hey sweetie" he opened his arms and i jumped into them giggling "i had my audition" he smiled setting me down "and?" i shrugged "Niall said i did good because the said i have the look" he smiled and looked at Niall.
"i should get a call tonight and i can tell you both tomorrow morning" Niall said as he hugged Louis "I have to get going i have a meeting with some associates about some music, Beau give me a hug" i chuckled and hugged him "Bye Nialler" "bye beau-ling ball" i laughed as he left. He always comes up with weird nicknames for me.
Later after i did some homework and school reading, my dad and i sat in the living room and ate our pizza. My dad isn't very good at cooking so we order in a lot but thats okay. My dad pointed to the t.v "he is my hero" i giggled "Tarzan is your favorite hero" my dad shrugged as he took a bite of his food and i laughed "I like batman" he huffed "uncle Liam told you to say that i bet" i chuckled "maybe". My dad and i are bestest friends. I don't know my mum, she left when i was really small. my dad says that he doesn't feel love for princesses that he feels love for princes. I walked to the kitchen and set my plate on the counter and rubbed my eyes as i sat back by my dad. "you tired?" he asked poking me cheek. I laughed "daddy stop that" he crossed his arms "excuse me i just need my daughters attention" i laughed laying my head down "I'm tired". He stood up ad smiled leaning down and picking me up carefully. "even though you don't have school tomorrow we still have an early day so get some sleep Beau". After he walked me to my room he set me on my bed and i kicked off my house slippers and tugged off my socks before cuddling into my pillow. He kissed my head and said softly "ill finish reading your story book tomorrow night okay? get some sleep" i nodded as I yawned an closed my eyes almost falling asleep instantly. i really hope i get this audition, i haven't had one in almost 3 months and it would be fun to get this one". I yawned one last time before i fell asleep.

Sparks Fly
FanfictionHarry Styles is a world famous singer. Louis Tomlinson is a single dad. When Harry's new music video involves some child actors what happens when Beau Tomlinson becomes the lead child on set? (Original story: completed. Alternative ending chapters:...