chapter 3 - how cute

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Harry's P.O.V

"that looks amazing Bianca" I said as Beau walked out in a matching suit to the one I have for the video. "do you like it?" I asked beau and she giggled and did a little twirl "I love this, its pretty" I smiled and as I looked at all the kids who were in replicas of my suits. "do you all like your outfits?" even though beau is playing my mini me I wanted some other kids to wear my suits because i think this is too adorable.

They all nodded and I smiled and I walked over to the cameras and told them what I wanted for when we started filming tomorrow. The bakery who is making all the cupcakes wouldn't be done until tomorrow. I did make it a little more complex since I designed the cupcakes to match the kids. After all the kids got to try on costumes and Bianca touched up things they all changed into their normal clothes and i explained the main idea I have for the video. I talked to the people I was working with who were going to bring the puppies on set, while the camera men worked with the kids on lighting. they had everything ready for filming tomorrow and I was excited. This was for my song 'Kiwi' I just released it a couple months ago with my album 'Harry Styles'. All the kids were on the mini stage and the sound crew were playing kiwi for them "this song is so awesome!" Beau said and I smiled thanking her. she is absolutely adorable. 

Later parents and such started coming to pick their kids up, Beau walked up to me an tapped my arm. I smiled down at her "guess what" i chuckled "what?" "I think that you should ask my dad out... thats what" she said gigging and I chuckled. she is very persistent for someone so young. I have already asked her his a few times but i have to ask again, I smiled "why do you want me to date your dad Beau" she looked up at me "because, my dad needs someone and I think you're the perfect prince for him" I chuckled softly and patted her head "well how cute, your father is very luc-" "hi I'm here to pick up my daughter" I heard a thick accent say and I looked up seeing someone talking to Bianca. She gestured towards the gym and my hand dropped down to my side seeing someone walk towards me. his smile bright and his cheek bones prominent.. he was shorter but carried himself tall. "wow" slipped from my lips quietly as he ended up right in front of me "daddy!" I looked at Beau and then at the man who just had me hypnotized for a moment. "Hi sweetie, sorry I'm one of the last parents here Niall had a meeting and I got off work late" he smiled at me and I blinked a couple times, his eyes are like... crystal clear...  "Hi.. um no its okay Beau is always a pleasure to have around" he held out his hand "I'm glad to hear that then, I'm Louis" I smiled and shook his hand "I'm Harry, so... so nice to meet you" he smiled a soft smile and looked at Beau "you ready?" she nodded and hugged me "bye Harry" i smiled "bye love".

He started to leave and I quickly stepped forward "oh um, will you also be picking her up tomorrow?" Louis stopped and looked at me "um.. I think Niall was, is everything okay?" I smiled "oh yes of course just thought if you were going to be here we could talk about the music video and Beau's scenes". Beau grabbed his hand "can you please pick me up tomorrow daddy" he smiled at her then looked at me "I do have work off early so of course" I smiled "great, it was so nice to meet you I will.. see you tomorrow". He smiled softly and nodded "I will see you then, come on Beau.. grandma is coming over tonight" she giggled and held his hand and walked away with him. I kept my eyes on Louis.. he kept walking then at the door he looked back at me... he looked back at me.

Louis P.O.V

I had to look back.

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