chapter 24 - wish

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Beau's P.O.V

I giggled as Audrey met my friends from school, they kept asking us both questions about being famous. "I don't think were famous" I said as she interlocked our elbows "yeah we just like acting" she dramatically making everyone laugh. My daddy and Harry set up the kitchen and living room really nice with streamers and they got me balloons. we had music playing in the background and games set up around the house and everyone was playing. I went to the kitchen with Audrey an we grabbed a plate, my daddy laid out a lot of finger food, like Doritos and such, small hot dogs and crisps and we had different drinks. I got a cup of sprite "oh Beau guess what" "what" "I may have an audition for a show in America" I smiled "That's amazing Audrey, I know you will get it" she smiled and leaned her head on me as a hug, since our hands were full "thank you". "alright everyone cake time" Harry said clapping his hands and everyone gathered in the kitchen. I had about 20 of my friends here and I have been having fun, Harry turned off the lights as my dad lit my candles. Harry stood by my dad in front of me and I smiled "alright and.. happy birthday to you.." everyone started singing and I bit my lip. I was so excited for this part, the birthday wish. I know it sounds childish to put a lot of hope into my birthday wish because half the time they don't come true.. but I've been praying all week that this one wish could. "Happy birthday to you! yay blow out the candles" everyone said, I looked at Harry and my dad who were smiling at me. I smiled closing my eyes and wished to myself. I wish Harry and my daddy would fall in love and get married forever... and harry could be my other dad. I blew out my candle and everyone clapped and I smiled looking at Harry and my dad "who wants cake" Harry said cutting cake. He cut me the biggest piece that was my name and I noticed Audrey to my side and my dad were making hand motions "what are you-" suddenly my face was smushed in my cake, just like my dad on his. I lifted my face  and wiped off some of the cake "AUDREY" I said giggling and everyone laughed "Happy birthday" she said laughing . Harry took pictures of all of us on his phone and smiled "very nice, I'm getting Kiwi vibes" he said as I smiled.

Louis P.O.V

"Ah" Harry yelling as he had Beau thrown over his shoulder and the other kids were chasing him. They started a new game called monster and everyone was trying to rescue the birthday girl, I chuckled as he slowly went down and they saved Beau. I smiled fondly, Harry was so good with her.. and it made me happy that he wanted to. He didn't do anything because he felt like he needed to or had to, he wanted to be involved with Beau. He loves her and loves being a part of her life. I got the door and smiled seeing Damien's mom "hi" I greeted before walked towards the living room "Damien! your mums here!" he stopped playing and Beau walked over with him "Bye Beau happy birthday again" he said hugging her "thank you again, I loved my gift" she said as he got his shoes on "I'm glad see you at school!" he said "bye Mr. Tomlinson" he said waving and I smiled "bye thank you for letting him come" his smiled "of course, happy birthday Beau". She thanked her and they left and Beau went back to her friends. Harry walked out his face a little flushed from playing around "there he is, you made it out" I joked and he chuckled "just barley". He grabbed his drink and sipped it "Audrey is staying the night with Beau right?" I nodded and he had a weird smile on his face "no no what's that" I said pointing at his face. "what's what?" he said grinning "that look" I said squinting at him and he chuckled "Beau come in here I have a surprise for you" I laughed and shook my head "I knew it". She came in with the friends who hadn't left yet "yes?" he smiled and went to the hall closet and pulled a big box out and slid it to her "whoa" one of her friends said making her laugh. "this is from your dad and I" he said and she smiled at us both before tearing off the paper "oh my gosh" she said as the box was revealed, it was a a photo booth. They make these mini photo-booths that you can have in your rooms "no way!" she squealed "thank you thank you!" she said hugging us "of course" he said looking at me and I smiled shaking my head "we can set it up later yeah?" I said and she nodded running over to it with her friends. "Harry Styles" I said turning around right then someone knocked and he smiled "oh the door I will get it" and hurried off making me laugh. 

I finished putting the left over food in zip lock bags and putting bowls in the sink, Harry was upstairs helping Beau set up her new booth and she was putting away her gifts. I gave Beau a camera for when she got to travel anywhere for work and for in general since she likes pictures so much. Nothing crazy fancy just a nice simple camera to start her off. "alright her booth is up, we put it by her window in the corner and it looks good, it's pretty big" I hummed smiling "well it is a photo booth, are her and Audrey already taking those strip photos?" he chuckled "yes they are making sure it works, so they said". I set the bowls in the water and dried my hands "can I help clean" "we can clean the decorations tomorrow, I'm pooped" I said leaning against the counter. He smiled standing in front of me "well Beau had fun so I say this was a success" I rested my hands around his neck "well thank you for being here.. I think you helped make her day a lot more fun" he smiled "anything for you two". I looked in his eyes and bit my lip and shook my head when I realized what was happening "well I will help you clean up then you and I can head upstairs.. check on the girls and get them settled and we can watch a movie and go to sleep" I let out a soft laugh "and that is why I love you Harry" I said in a soft tone "w-what" he said softly. "I love you" I said looking up at him and he smiled and reached a hand up cupping my cheek "Louis Tomlinson... I love you too" I smiled and leaned up our lips meeting, the usual sparks erupting between us. I'm deeply madly in love with Harry Styles.

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