Louis P.O.V
I looked at myself in the mirror. Harry picked out our costumes and they actually were kind of.. cute. I was Peter Pan and he was Wendy. His hair has grown out to his shoulder so he put a blue ribbon in his hair and wore a big light blue sweater. He wore his brown boots and some tight jeans. He painted his nails blue too. I had on a green button up, short sleeve with a green beanie. I grew my hair out a bit too because Harry wasn't sure if he felt confident growing his out so I'm doing it with him. My fringe stuck out and I had on some jeans and my white converse. I rolled up the ends of my jeans and walked to the bathroom and knocked "Harry you almost ready?" "yes" he said and the bathroom door opened. I smiled looking him up and down "wow.. you look amazing H" he smiled softly "so do you.. my peter pan" I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Come on babe Beau and Audrey wanted to surprise us with their costumes before we take them to their schools dance.. also your driver is picking the girls up at 8 to bring them to the event right?" he nodded "yes and Paul will be there" I smiled and we walked downstairs "GIRLS WERE READY TO SEE YOUR COSTUMES". I heard some noise from upstairs and then I could hear them running down the stairs. I pulled my camera out and Audrey said "close your eyes". Harry an I chuckled and shut our eyes. I heard them both giggling "open" Beau said and Harry and I opened our eyes and I instantly started laughing "oh my gosh... it's mini us" Harry said smiling and laughing. Beau was dressed up as Harry and Audrey was dressed like me. "Audrey how are you a brunette now" Harry asked as I stooped videoing and started taking pictures "my mum got me a wig" she said nodding proudly. I laughed "you guys look amazing" Beau had on dark jeans and a pair of boots that look almost exactly like Harry's. She was wearing a patterned button up and had a bunch of little rings and a necklace on and her hair was naturally down. she had on lipstick and painted her nails pink "Harry look I have the same color you wear" she said pointing to her lips and he chuckled "you look amazing girls". Audrey had a vans shirt on and light washed jeans with the ankles cuffed like how I like to wear them. She had black and white vans on. I took pictures of the girls together and then some of Beau and Harry. Harry took some of Audrey and I then some of Beau and I an Harry and Audrey. All of us taking turns smiling and posing together. Beau and Audrey took a cute picture of Beau "proposing" to Audrey so it looked like when Harry proposed to me. After we finished getting everything together we went out to the car and started to Beau's school. Harry rented a small limo since tonight was going to be so eventful. A lot of celerity's and important people are coming to the Halloween party as well as people from London. The building it's being held in is extremely big thankfully so we had plenty of room. All the permits, staff, food, music and everything was already taken care of. People are going to wear costumes to the event so hopefully Harry and I are the only Wendy and Peter.
We pulled up to the school and Harry and I got out. He hugged the girls and I smiled walking them inside. It was cute. they had decorations everywhere and party lights. kids running around in costumes. "okay girls have fun.. remember Paul is picking you up at 8 when the dance ends to take you to the charity okay?" they both nodded and I smiled "have fun" I kissed both of their heads and went back to the car. "ready to go get our groove on" Harry said as I buckled in "never say that again" I said snorting and he laughed.
When we got to the event the paparazzi were already outside taking pictures. It was right at the beginning of the event but a lot of people were already flooding in. Our limo pulled up and I smiled at him "lets go Wendy darling" he chuckled and Paul opened the door for me. I thanked him and climbed out and Harry got our right after me. "Harry Louis over here!" "is it true you're engaged!" "Harry are you quitting music for marriage!" "Harry over here" Louis look here!" we ignored the yelling and walked in smiling at cameras with our arms around each other. Security whispered and told me that Zayn had arrived 30 minutes ago and he would meet me by the stage. I nodded thanking him and made my way to the stage. He was being hooked up to the ear piece and mic. "Mate you two look great" Zayn said clapping his hands together. I smiled "Thanks mate so do you... are you?" "big bad wolf" he said nodding. He had fake fangs and his makeup was done really cool to seem like a wolf. He had ears and was wearing black and his hair was done up "so I'm guessing Gigi is little red?" Harry asked wrapping an arm around my waist. "you bet I am" she said walking up laughing. She had a red dress on that was form fitting to her waist then puffed out a bit stopping mid thigh. She had a small red cape on and her makeup done up. "How are you two" Gigi asked hugging us both. I kissed her cheek "lovely.. you look great" "thank you as do you Peter and Wendy".
The team hooked me up after they did Zayn so we could hear security if something happens or needed to talk to each other we could. usually we would have walki-talkies but for really big events like this we do mics and such. In ticket sales alone we made half our goal the rest was in sponsors and such and of course people will be donating at the party. The music was going, everyone was dancing or having fun. And I was actually having a lot of fun too. Liam was here and so was Niall and Liv. Parents took their kids upstairs and security said everyone upstairs was having fun. I met a few celebs that Harry was friends with and they were all really nice, Most of them were from the UK so it was easy for them to come.
Harry and I took a few pictures together and I really liked how they turned out. The event was going smoothly and it made it a bit easier for me to step back and enjoy the event I worked so hard to make. A lot of people were donating and Zayn said at this rate we would hit our goal before midnight. It was a quarter past 8 and I was waiting for Paul to bring the girls. All the kids upstairs were having fun with the games, snacks and music so I knew the girls would enjoy it too. Paul led the girls in and Harry and I met them at the main door. "I can take them up" Harry said and I nodded "okay, girls best behaviors please" "yes daddy" "yes Mr. Tomlinson" Audrey and Beau said simultaneously. I kissed Beau's cheek and they went with Harry to the upstairs kids party.
I stood with Liam, Niall, Liv, Zayn and Gigi. Niall was dressed as Romeo and Liv was dressed as Juliet, which was cute. Liam was dressed as Batman (of course). We were all drinking and talking. Liam said he has been seeing this girl named Sophia but it wasn't anything serious yet. "So Beau will be 11 in January huh?" Liam said as he took a drink of beer. "yeah... it feels like she just turned 10" I said nodding "well she is already an amazing little girl.. kind of excited to see her as a teenager" Liv said smiling "makes one of us" I said making her laugh. "I'm glad her an Audrey are friends though.. I think it helped a lot with her social skills" Niall said "well you sound like a professor" Gigi said making us all laugh. "He's right Audrey is a sweet girl.. I hope they stay best mates as they get older" Harry said, I nodded in agreement before taking a drink of my beer. Audrey's mum and dad came to the party too. I ended up introducing them to everyone. Beau was staying with them tonight so it all worked out.
It was a little after 11 when Audrey's mum, Ally. Took the girls home. people were starting to leave but not very many. Mostly people with kids. We had reached our goal at almost an hour ago which is great because we even raised extra, which is more money for the charity.
It wasn't until almost 1a.m people really started to leave. The party ended at 1 so I guess people wanted to stay till the end. Zayn and I checked in with clean up teams and staff members before we could leave. Harry had the limo pull up front and a few paps took pictures of celebs as they left. I yawned and followed Harry to our car and blocked my tired eyes from the couple of paps who were taking a few last minute pictures. I strapped in and leaned my head on Harry's shoulder. I was tired but not ready to go to sleep. I just was ready to be home kind of tired.
After we both had changed out of our costumes and washed our faces Harry and I went downstairs to the living room. I opened a bottle of wine and we sat relaxing and just enjoying each others company, talking about the charity and how well it went. After I finished my wine I set it on the table. I looked at Harry. I really am lucky. an ounce of fear or worry I had before disappeared when I saw how much I want this and how much were meant to be together. Seeing Harry that day at Niall's and how much he was worried about losing me made me realize how silly I was letting my thoughts take over. I leaned in connecting our lips and he smiled after I pulled away "what was that for" I shrugged "just... because I want to" he set his glass down and touched under my chin "well I won't ever say no to that". We leaned in reconnecting our lips and I smiled straddling him. The kiss intensified and we were both tugging at each others clothes. I smirked softly and pulled away "I'm tired". Harry furrowed his brow as I climbed off him. We were both clearly turned on but I felt like messing with him for a second. "wait what" he said as I started walking away. He yanked me back catching me in his lap "Oh I don't think so" he said smirking and leaning in kissing me again. I giggled before cupping his face and picking up where we left off.

Sparks Fly
FanfictionHarry Styles is a world famous singer. Louis Tomlinson is a single dad. When Harry's new music video involves some child actors what happens when Beau Tomlinson becomes the lead child on set? (Original story: completed. Alternative ending chapters:...