chapter 5 - funny look

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Beau's P.O.V

"cut!" all of us laughed as we all stopped throwing stuff, we already filmed some close ups and other small scenes. Harry and I did a really funny part where he comes in with puppies and I look up at him and then its cupcake war. "we got it! we just have the closing shot!" Harry said smiling and putting his hands up and we all cheered and I giggled and went cross eyed looking at some cupcake on my nose. I chuckled and wiped it off but I still had some in my hair and on my cheek. "all right everyone lets gather here" Harry said and we were all arranged around Harry, I was standing in front of him as they just slowly zoomed in. we did it a couple times to make sure none of us kids moved, Harry just did a small smile thing and we finished. I was a little sad that we were done filming, I made so many friends and I liked working on this. Harry said we would get to watch it on Friday and have a small party for all the parents, kids and workers. Some of Harry's friends were coming to watch it too, Including Niall.

After we filmed harry yelled "it's a wrap!" and we all cheered. I was still a little sad it was over because I like Harry and I will miss him, which is why I'm excited were all going to dinner tonight. Daddy says I get to wear the new shirt grandma got me and my aunt Lottie is gonna come over so she said she will do my hair. After all the kids were changed harry surprised us all and said we would get to keep our costumes "really!" one of the girls, Jasmine asked as we all had our costumes on their hangers. "Yes, I mean they are all made specifically for you all" I smiled and hugged the bag. I love the matching suit with Harry. Everyone's parents came and got their kids and I smiled seeing Niall walk in "Nialler" he smiled "there's my favorite client". I hugged him and looked at Harry who looked a little.. wait whats that word? my dad says it when i don't listen. oh, he looked disappointed. "Niall hey... what are you doing here?" Harry asked as they hugged "Oh Louis had to meet his sister at his house so I told him I could pick up Beau". He nodded "oh well.. I will see you tonight then yes Beau?" he asked smiling nicely. I nodded "yes bye Harry!" I said hugging him before leaving with Niall. 

I leaned on the window as Niall drove "so why are you seeing Harry tonight? is there something else for the music video I forgot about?" he asked, I smiled "No he asked to take my daddy and me to dinner". He made a humming sound and weird smirky face, I just shrugged and looked out the window. When I got home Niall said to tell everyone hello but he had to hurry to the studio. "daddy I'm home!" "wheres my niece!" i giggled an ran to the living room seeing my Aunt Lottie. "LOTTIE!" I hugged her and she chuckled holding me "how are you gorgeous" I smiled "I'm good, I miss you. how is america" she smiled "very American, but Beauty school is very fun" she said smiling. I hugged my dad "we have to get ready for dinner" he chuckled "yes and you need a shower, you have frosting all in your hair" he said as he pulled a little frosting off. I groaned "okay I will go to the loo and wash up" I said and he nodded as I hurried up the stairs. After I washed my hair and brushed my teeth I quickly picked out my outfit, I was so excited. I wore the shirt my grandma got me with a skirt and my favorite boots "AUNTY LOTTIE.......AUNTY LOTTIE" I was sat in front of my mirror waiting. "whats up buttercup" she said walking in my room "can you do my hair please, remember you told daddy you would". She smiled "of course", she blow dried then curled it and put it up and I smiled "ooh.. you're so good at this". She flipped her hair and chuckled "oh thank you thank you" I smiled and went in the hall and knocked on my dads door "daddy are you getting dressed".

My dad walked out and I smiled "whoa daddy you look so handsome!" he smiled and looked down at himself. "whoa... you have your favorite hoodie on.. and you favorite jeans that you said make your as-" "YES Lottie.. I just.. wanted to look nice is all" I giggled and Lottie walked with me downstairs behind my dad.  "okay well I hope you two have fun tonight, I'm gonna go ahead and go to my room and work on some homework online yeah? have fun I'll see you when you get home" she kissed both of our cheeks and went to the guest room. 

I excitedly walked with my dad out to the car Harry sent for us. Daddy said that Harry was going to meet us there since he had to go straight from a meeting. When we got to Nandos I smiled as we got out an and went inside, The waitress led us to a more empty area and we saw Harry. He stood up and I hugged him "Hi harry" he smiled "hello Beau", He and my dad hugged and I smiled and sat down. Harry and my dad were sat across from each other and I was in the middle. The waitress gave us our menus and I got a kid menu and a coloring page, I love these things. I picked out what I wanted to eat an then I started working on trying to get the leaperchan to the pot of gold in the center. "So Louis.. where do you work?" Harry asked, I was listening but I kept my eyes on the prize, I'm getting this maze done. "Oh I work with different charity organizations... creating fundraisers, finding sponsors and people who will donate" "wow.. thats incredible work Harry said kindly. My daddy is he head of his own company that is all about creating and organizing charity work. he makes really good money doing it but he says he loves it because he gets to help people, he's like a super hero.

"that must keep you busy" Harry said "well it can but I have people who help me, My mate Zayn is my right hand man so he helps with a lot of the work so I can make sue I have plenty of time for Beau... an since i do equal amount he always has time as well" "wow thats very admirable of both of you" Harry complimented my dad. I glanced up and looked at my dad.. his face was a little red "daddy do you need water?" I asked concerned. "what..Beau why would you ask that?" he chuckled softly "well your cheeks got red, are you hot?" his face got more red "no Beau daddy's fine.." he said smiling and I smiled "okay". I looked back at my puzzle and said a soft "yes" when i completed it. The waitress came back and we all three ordered, Harry complimented me and said that for as young as I am I can hold my own very well. I had fun, I colored my coloring page front and back while I ate, and Harry made sure to include me in a lot of conversation. But I liked watching him and my dad talk. I eventually rested my head on my hands and just looked back and forth between my dad and Harry, it was so weird. Harry had this funny look on his face the whole time he looked at my dad. I've never seen him make this face... 

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