Extra Evaluation

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This contains two grown men and a very sexually confused Scott with daddy issues.
That's basically the most in depth preview.
Again, this is one of my most recent, so the style might be wack, also, this was written in a car through a big city...

Scott stared crossly at the open Manila folder he held in his hands. The numbers made no sense, and the more he looked over the columns of gibberish, the more he began to suspect that there was a typo somewhere in them, but his calculations never canceled one out. Now he was on his way to his boss's, Afton's office, to check with him. He would go to Henry but he handled much more... difficult affairs when it came to running the business.

Unfortunately for poor Scott, he had been too enveloped in the strange case of the number's file, that his ears blocked out the noises from behind the closed office door. The soft and breathy moans that whispered under the door. He opened it, not assuming anything seeing as it wasn't locked, but the minute he looked up from the file, he wished he had at least had the curtesy to knock.

Henry was doubled over the desk, his bare back to Afton's naked chest, Afton was buried deep inside of him. The pleasure between the two was almost primal, the red rows of rabid scratches down Henry's back, the way that Afton's hand rested just underneath Henry's neck, as if he were ready to pull him back at any moment's notice.

Henry noticed Scott. It was so sudden that Scott had no idea how to prepare for it, whether to run or to pretend that he had seen absolutely nothing in the first place. But the surprising bit was, Henry made no move to stop Afton, instead, his olive colored eyes widened and he bit his lip.

"S-Scott!" Henry groaned, arching his back, his voice breaking in more ways that Scott had ever heard before. Henry's voice was deep and thick and Scott's stomach churned. His breathing was labored, but then, so was Scott's. The poor man, trapped under the heated gaze of his boss, had no idea what to do. "Ha— Nggh... William!" Henry cried out in a surge of lust. At his name being moaned at such in indecent level, Afton looked up from where his face was buried in Henry's neck. He grinned, a sneer passing his face as his silver eyes glinted almost purple in the strange lighting of the room.

Scott wanted to run, but he found he could't. He couldn't even bare to tear his gaze away from the two. The trance of the pure and oozing pleasure kept him completely entranced. Henry sobbed, clutching the desk but Afton rolled himself up, still hilt deep in Henry's ass. He stopped thrusting and began petting Henry softly, tousling his blonde hair and rubbing his back. Henry was reduced to soft whimpers as his climax was interrupted. Afton grinned, he looked dangerous, evil, even in the neon lighting of the room, but he also looked so incredibly irresistible. He lifted a finger and motioned for Scott to come into the office.

Scott was gay and had done many strange things before, but the idea of what lay in the room, scared him. His two bosses, both almost twenty years older than him yet twenty times hotter than him, and the heat of some sort of lust that Scott had never been around in his life. Afton looked at him with the most disappointed face Scott had ever been scrutinized with when he didn't go into the room, that his heart ached. It was only in this moment, though, under the gaze of both of them, that he realized his heart wasn't the only thing That ached. He looked down, the first movement he had made this whole time, to see his black dress pants tenting. He looked back up, face flushed darkly and Afton's grin had returned as if it were some irrepressible disease. Scott noticed two golden wedding bands on the corner of the desk and his eyes widened. How could he have forgotten, they were married men. They had kids!

"Mr. Callahan, darling, don't strain yourself. We don't want you to ruin that beautifully smart brain of yours. Come in, it's alright." Afton said. His voice was a growl and his British accent was heavy and thick as it slipped from his mouth. Scott started breathing heavier, he took a step into the room and tore his gaze from the rings. He took another step and then another and then he shut the door. "Good Boy. I always knew you were our best employee, right dear?" Afton purred, asking Henry. Henry nodded slowly, humming softly. "I told you he would be wonderful, and here is your proof. He is smart, he's quiet, and he's so adorable is he not?"

"Come here, Scott." Henry said, using Scott's first name. Scott obliged and walked further into the room. He was so hard now that it was almost painful. How was this supposed to work, again? Scott had been with two men at once before, but he had no idea how it happened or what he did. He stood still and waited, he would be told what to do and he would do it. Who was he kidding, he would anything for these two. Not only were they so horribly famous, but they were attractive, you'd have to be blind not to think so. Scott certainly did and wasn't about to try to deny it, especially not now. Seeing the two together in the throngs of whatever had racked them, caused so many emotion fluctuations in Scott that he didn't know which to address first. While he was lost in the fantasy that he didn't see them untangle themselves.

"Now come over to me darling." Afton commanded Scott. He was now sitting in his desk chair and Henry stood behind it. Scott walked over on shaky legs until he was standing in front of them. Afton looked him up and down and sneered. "Go on, take off your clothes." Afton's smile had changed context, it was sly and promised lust.

"Right here...?" Scott tried to clarify. Certainly they didn't want him to strip while they stared.

"Yes of course, show us. Consider this a..." Afton paused to consider his next words, "a more in depth application." Scott could tell that this wasn't Henry's forte by the nervous way he would look away but try to stare through his eyelashes. In fact, Scott was shocked that Afton was like this. He was always such a haughty family man. So proper and desirable. But to see him spread out in his office chair without and clothes on, was a different story.

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