It's 2023

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The projector was pulled over the stage, blocking the animatronics and all of the employees were loudly counting down, starting at the 30 second mark out of pure excitement, even the robotic voice of Scott could be heard. And then the ball dropped and the cheers broke out. There was champagne and laughter.

Cassy looked at Chris and they both grinned, Chris taking her into his arms and dipping her as they kissed.

Two other employees excitedly locked in a kiss.

Matt dashed up to Nova and snatched a kiss, Nova shoved him, but was grinning madly.

Behind the projector screen, the souls of the children were locked in a massive group hug.

And then they looked around. Scott stood, staring with his arms crossed, his shoulders shook and he shook his head gently, you didn't have to see his face to know he was smiling. The young employees were like his children and it made him undeniably happy to see them so happy. But then they saw Dave sauntering up to Scott, champagne flute still in hand. Nobody said a word.

Dave snatched Scott by the base of the phone and forced it up to his nose, grabbing the back of Scott's neck and locking their lips into a kiss. Everybody screamed and began clapping like wild animals. Everybody always had a suspicion, but here they were watching their (now undeniably human) boss kissing the hot mechanic.

They half expected Scott to reel back in disgust or panic, trying to pull his phone back down over his face. So imagine the shock in the room as Scott gently cupped the back of Dave's neck and deepening the kiss. They finally broke apart and they could see Scott mouth something against Dave's lips.

"Happy New Years, my love."

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