Happy ending?

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This isn't much of a happy ending more than a weird and mildly disturbing ending but at least Scott is happy in his psychosis... I guess?

Scott woke up. He didn't expect to wake up. He though he was dead, to be quite frank. But here he was, awake and staring through another hole in a different kind of ceiling. He could see the wooden two x fours that made up the roof's structure. He whimpered, tears welling up in his eyes as he grimaced. "No..." He cried, his voice hurt. His stomach hurt. Bad. It ached like the worst stomach bug he had ever felt in his life. "Ahh..." He whined, craning his neck and limply picking a hand up to put it on his abdomen. A sharp pain shot through his legs and arms and just about everywhere. He threw his head back, groaned and moved his arm as fast as his sluggish muscles would allow. He turned his head to look at the room he was in. He was laying in a queen sized bed with incredibly outdated sheets and holes from moths or other bugs. The carpets were badly stained and the walls were oozing with a beige liquid. On the bright side, there wasn't any mold. Not that Scott could see anyways.

He went to pick up his other hand but found his whole arm wouldn't move. "Ugh?" He grunted and turned his attention back to his other side. He tried to pull his other arm out from the sheets but it still wouldn't move. He felt his muscles twitching but that was all. His rib cage, though, felt much better. The door opened. It was never really closed in the first place, but it was cracked as much as the swollen wood would allow. The ears came first; scraggly, dingy rabbit's ears. Then, the rubber, scrunched snout with a wet, black nose on the tip. Then there was the fluffy belly and arms and legs and then, the whole, decrepit rabbit stood in the room, seeming to fill the whole space. "Nooo!" Scott drawled, his heart began racing faster, true terror bubbling in his stomach. This was it, this was how he died. But no, the rabbit saved him. Kept him alive. He wouldn't be killed. Maybe tortured, though.

Scott tried to kick his feet in the bed, pushing against an imaginary wall. He wasn't chained into the bed, but he knew he couldn't move if he tried. The rabbit did to. Then he realized, his legs weren't moving. His heart stopped and his throat closed as his mouth salivated with the promise of throwing up. His legs weren't moving. His jaw dropped and tried harder, the rabbit was completely forgotten, though it was still there, it's head tilted to the side as it watched this pitiful display.

After decided it had had enough, the rabbit crept closer to Scott's bed and stopped. Scott looked up at it, it's presence only announced to Scott by that smell of blood and rotting flesh. There was something so distinctly sweet to it. The undertones of smelling something dead in the woods, but still fresh enough that the buzzards were yet to find it. The light was streaming through the windows in the promise of morning coming. It was cold and gray and Scott shivered violently as he stared into the never ceasing depths of the rabbit's eyes.

"You truly don't recognize me, do you?" The rabbit said. The rubber of his face didn't move like the other animatronic's did. This one seemed alive as it crinkled in fluid motions. Scott shook his head, as tears began pouring down his face. He really started sobbing now, chest wracking sobs. His stomach hurt so horribly, but he couldn't make himself stop. His abs tightened with every shuddery intake of breath, and it sent signals of the worst pain to his brain, making him lightheaded. A migraine began creeping in, vomit began rising in his throat and he fell weakly onto the bed. "Oh dear." The rabbit said. It's voice was softened and sounded almost motherly as it reached out with a furry hand to rest against Scott's cheek. Scott sniveled, his head leaning into the fingers of the hand; letting his tears fall into it, letting the fur soak them up.

"How am I supposed to know who you are." Scott sobbed, he sounded so childish, hiccuping for air like this.

"Oh, Scotty, think. You know this voice, though I suppose it was years ago, hm?" The rabbit prompted. When the realization hit Scott, it was the most agonizing pain he had ever felt. More than his stomach, his arm, his ribs. Nothing was compared to this. He screamed, reaching up with the arm that would move and he grabbed for the rabbit's other hand, grasping it tightly and pulled it to rest on the other side of his face. The rabbit moved it willingly, holding Scott's face gently in it's hands. Scott knew it could so easily snap his neck, but he knew it wouldn't. He knew it would never. His tears felt like they were being forced out as he cried harder now, desperately clutching onto the hand of the rabbit, still.

"Afton!" He sobbed, drool leaked from the corner of his mouth. The disgusting room he was in was forgotten and the disgusting bed and the fact that he still had no sensation in his legs.

"Hello, Scotty. My baby, hello." Afton whispered softly. Scott felt a pop in his neck and and electric sizzle all the way down his back and then pins and needles burned in his thighs and toes.

"Ah!" Scott cried, a momentary pause to his sobs. He didn't question it, though, he didn't have the energy to even try. He curled his toes, smiling sheepishly. The smile grew on his face and the tears stopped completely as a laugh bubbled in him. He didn't know where it came from but there he was laughing into the moldy fur of the rabbit's paw. But it wasn't the rabbit, it was his Afton. It was the only man Scott ever truly loved. "Afton... oh god." He smiled brightly. The rubber cheeks on the rabbit's face lifted as he smiled.

Afton gently pushed Scott further into the bed and crawled under the covers with him. Scott immediately scrambled to get closer to Afton, burying his fingers into the fur of the rabbit, pressing his face against his chest, all the grime completely forgotten. Afton rested his chin on top of Scott's head, wrapping his arms around Scott and completely shielding him from the world, rubbing his back.

"You left me. For years you left me completely forgotten. I couldn't understand why, Scott. I though you had loved me but you left me to rot so easily, you understand why I was mad when I saw you, right?" Afton sounded pleading. Scott couldn't hear the fabricated whine in his voice.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry my love." Scott sobbed, guilt creeping in, completely forgetting everything that Afton did to him that night. He had left Afton to rot. He left his lover to this life of torment and loneliness. Scott was the true monster, that's what he told himself. He was the monster, not his sweet Afton.

"I wanted to kill you, Scott. I did. You were right there, but then. God, I wouldn't be able to live without you. The only reason I kept going was because I knew that maybe somewhere out there, you were out there. But if I knew you were dead..." Afton gave Scott a gentle squeeze. Scott thought he must deserve to die, but he wouldn't die, not if Afton needed him after all.

"I love you! I love you, Afton. I always have." Scott cried, scared that Afton would leave him again. But no, Afton didn't leave him in the first place, he left Afton. It would only be a deserving pain if Afton were to get up and leave him in this crumbling house all alone. Leave him for the rats to gnaw on his immobile flesh. But he didn't. Afton breathed deeply, smelling Scott. He sighed.

"I know you do, my Scotty. I didn't like hurting you. I won't do it again. I just wanted you to know my pain." Afton whispered, curling his legs up to make Scott straddle one of them, clamping the other on top of Scott's thighs. And Scott did know his pain. He was aware of it now. He clutched onto Afton, still, but only with one hand. "Oh that's no good. I have to find you some medicine. Afton said, moving to stand. Scott squealed, gripping a fistful of fur.

"NO! No, just lay here... please. I just want to be with you. I missed you. I want you so bad." Scott begged, holding tightly. Afton settled back onto the mattress and curled Scott into his arms, holding him like he was newborn kitten.

"I'll stay, bunny. Don't worry. I won't leave you." His words sent pangs of guilt through Scott, but he tried to ignore them. He was growing sleepier in Afton's arms and so he rested there, drifting off until he could no longer feel his own pain. Afton held him so still so as not to jostle any of his wounds. Scott, for the first time in six years, felt safe again.

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