An Overdue ass kicking

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Reece and Michael hesitantly entered the back doors of the pizzeria, knowing they'd be deposited in the employee's only hallway. Their mission? The backstage room where they knew that the marionette would be stored. Where Charlie was being stored. But there were obstacles in the way, and one of the most concerning was Scott. Michael hated Scott. Hated his scrawny ass and his stupid voice and the snotty way he carried himself. He hated, overall, that he was dating his murderous father. What fucked up person dates a child murderer? Scott did. Michael scowled to himself just thinking about it. But he wasn't here to fight Scott and in his condition (aka, his stomach barely being held together after he had a manic episode), he wouldn't be able to. Thus why Reece was tagging along. Reece had a serious expression on and Michael loved it. His eyebrows knit together and his mouth set in a straight line. He was precious and so badass.

"Alright, you ready?" Michael asked, holding his hand out to Reece as they stood in the little doorway inside the pizzeria. They were a little chilled from the fall rain outside and an orange leaf was stuck to Reece's hoody. Michael smiled and picked it off, depositing it on the floor.

"Born ready, Mikey. I dare that twink bitch to show his face." Reece growled, clenching his fists and grinning with childish delight.

"Alright. Remember, he's not that harmless. He's tall and fucking feral." Michael grumbled, miserably. He really hated Scott. He scrunched his nose, remembering the way Scott's fist felt colliding against it. It fucking hurt.

"Yes, sir. I can manage, you start making your way to the stage, I'll block you from back here." Reece said, bouncing from foot to foot in eagerness. Michael nodded and started creeping towards where he knew the hallway to the stage was. Unfortunately it was all the way around the corner and in the middle of the back hallway. It was a distance. A door opened and Michael and Reece spun. Scott stood there, his phone head cocked to the side ever so slightly, his clipboard clutched in his hand. Michael also recalled the way that felt on the back of his neck. Scott sucked.

"Run, Mike!" Reece said and pushed Michael in the direction of the hallway. Scott rushed forwards and Reece realized what he got himself into. Scott was scary as hell. "Ah, shit! Get the fuck away from me!" He shouted and Scott stopped. He still hadn't said anything which made Reece violently uncomfortable. His neck was slightly hunched over and he held a pen in his hand, gripping it tightly, tip facing out. It was a weapon.

"Alright, mother fucker. Whatchu' got?" Reece growled, widening his stance. Scott still didn't move and so Reece straightened himself again and stared at Scott with skepticism. What was wrong with this guy? "Um... so... nothing? Is this a game?" Reece asked and then Scott lurched forwards. It was so fast that Reece didn't know how to react until he felt his jaw pop. He yelped and dashed backwards before lunging at Scott and grabbing his tie, tugging him forwards. Scott squealed and Reece grabbed the phone off of it's receiver, kicking the back of Scott's legs to topple the man. Scott crumbled to the ground, thrashing, but with Reece holding him on a leash, he couldn't get very far. He scrambled up and tried to run but was yanked backwards by Reece. "I got you on a leash like the bitch you are, Mr. Callahan." Reece laughed and pushed Scott back to the ground. He wrapped the curly cord around SCott's neck, giving it a tug. Scott choked and grasped at his neck, trying to get his fingers under the cord to pull it from his neck. Reece gave it another pull, cinching it tighter. Scott's legs flew out as he slammed against Reeces' legs.

"Stop!" He cried, still clawing at his neck.

"No, bitch! Damn, just stop struggling. I'm doing this for my Mikey. Remembered what you did to him?" Reece said, towering over Scott in triumph. He walked around to face Scott, using his shoe to push him onto his back.

"I'm sorry! I cant..." He coughed and Reece loosened the cord. Scott eagerly pulled it away from his neck, just enough to wiggle his fingers in, wheezing.

"Don't apologize to me! Apologize to Mike." Reece demanded, keeping his shoe on Scott's chest, watching the dirty water spot spread across the light blue fabric.

"Got it!" Michael shouted, shooting around the corner with a limp marionette in his arms. He pushed for a moment looking down in shock to see the trapped Scott, writhing and whimpering like an injured dog. "Damn Reece, we are totally getting ice cream after this..." He started walking again.

He straddled Scott's shoulder, standing over him. He stooped over, setting the marionette down. "Rot in hell, bitch." He whispered and then picked the robot up again and stepped away from Scott. Reece sneered and kicked him swiftly in the jaw, tightened the cord again, and dropped the phone straight onto the dial of the phone where it bounced off. The rubber of the cord stayed connected though. An air-tight seal around the man's neck. Scott didn't budge, though, and so Michael and Reece took off, not even caring to check if he was okay. Who cared anyways.

Afton found him twenty minutes later.

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