Bording school

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Themes of rape and verbal abuse:

"You feeling alright, mate?" Felix asked from behind Afton who was working to open the curtains of their dorm room. Afton was fifteen as was his roommate, but Afton never had that teenage boyish attitude.

"Fine." He replied, but when he turned around, Felix noted that he didn't look 'fine'. With dark bags under his eyes and even darker marks peaking out of the white collar of his uniform button down.

"Liar. Listen, if you ever need to talk about anything-" Felix's compassionate speech was quickly cut off by the door opened. Aftons head quickly swiveled your face it, staring at the man who stood there. He was tall with dark hair and dark eyes, and those eyes were set on Afton. Felix watched Afton almost shrink, his silver eyes setting into a glare.

"I thought we agreed that we would always meet in your room?" Afton said, his voice was shaky.

"Yeah, sure. You," Alex demanded, looking towards Felix, "out. Now, thank you." Felix blanched and immediately looked towards Afton, Afton was in the top three of the school. Afton only gave an apologetic half-smile and Felix edged slowly to the door, before giving one last glance, and leaving.

Alec smiled softly, and shut the door, twisting the lock from behind his back, never taking his eyes off of Afton. Afton rolled his eyes and walked over to his bed, sitting on the mattress. Alec walked in front of him and cocked a hip out.

"I don't like your roommate. He's too nosy." Alec complained.

"Sorry?" Afton responded, already squirming in anticipation at the reason for Alec's visit.

"Mm. I missed you. I didn't expect you to go back to London this holiday." He explained. Afton didn't really expect to go back home either, but it was pleasant as he got to sleep in his own bed in his own room, without Alec's intrusion. But for whatever reason, Afton had felt a dull ache of loss without Alec there. It was almost painfully lonely. His hand also doesn't do nearly enough justice.

"How kind. But you couldn't have waited for me to go to your room like usual? After maths?" Afton pressed. It wasn't right for Alec to be in his room, he always went to Alec's'.

"I couldn't wait. Why? You don't miss me?" Alec demanded and Afton shook his head. "What am I talking about, of course you did, look at you." He scoffed and Afton looked up in confusion and then down at his lap. Of. Fucking. Course. Alec giggled and pressed closer, gently guiding Afton to lay back on the bed. "Look at how perfectly you cave into me. It's like we were meant for each other." He growled, pressing his lips against Afton's neck, he smelled like mint and sharp cedar.

"Alec..." Afton didn't even think about what he was saying, it was just slipping out. Alec laughed in satisfaction, nibbling Afton's soft flesh.

"You like that don't you? God you are pitiful, no matter how much you try to stop me." Alec murmured, grabbing Afton's legs and wrapping them around his waist, and tugging their hips together. Afton was still in his school uniform: black dress pants, white button down, school tie, and a gray sweater. Alec was as well, but his was slightly different as he was an upperclassman.

Alec ground their hips together, watching Afton squirm as little whimpers and moans leaked from his throat. Afton gripped his fists in the comforter of the bed, gritting his teeth as tears flowed from his eyes. The pleasure was thick and he had thirsted for the human deliverance of it. Alec reached up and dug both of his hands into Aftons hair, grinning as he pressed his hips tighter.

Aftons cheeks and ears were flushed dark red and he was struggling to keep his eyes open as he tightened his legs around Alec's hips.

"Good boy, so obedient." Alec crooned, tugging on Afton's hair. He gave one last satisfied sigh before pulling away, neither boy had released. "I wouldn't want to keep you from class, we all know how... slow you can be." Alec smiled cheekily and unraveled himself from Afton, who lay sprawled out and panting, eyes fluttering, but left completely edged.

"I-I'm not stupid." Afton mumbled and Alec's grin faltered, his smile no longer reached his eyes. He leaned back over Afton and pressed a hand against his chest.

"Don't be silly," he pressed his lips against Afton's ear, "you aren't shit without me. Just a walking wallet. You've got a pretty face and massive bank account, but that's it. You need me."

Afton whined as he strained against Alec's hand.

"Just to prove it, I'll bet you're coming to my room tonight and you'll be so hopelessly wrecked for me. Because I'm the only one you can love. The only one who will understand you." Alec sneered. Afton just nodded slowly, deeply inhaling Alec. His head was fuzzy, there was no way he was going to class.

"Don't leave me..." Afton moaned, wrapping his limp arms around Alec's neck, desperate to hold him to him, but Alec easily slipped away.

"Aw don't worry, love, I'll be seeing you soon." He said sweetly, touching a finger to Afton's nose.

"N-no please don't go, I need you!" Afton cried. Deep down he wanted him gone. He wanted to watch Alec's head explode, for Alec to become disemboweled right in front of him. But at the same time, Alec was right. He needed him. He couldn't get the sexual satisfaction from anybody else. He would be shunned and then what? Alec was all he had left.

"Aw what a good little obedient boy. I like to hear that, but unfortunately, I have a rowing meet in a few minutes. Just felt like checking up on you." He purred, caressing Afton's cheek softly. "Have a wonderful day." And he was gone.

Afton struggled through the fog to sit up, his hips were aching and his cock was throbbing painfully in his right pants. He hunched over, sweat beading on his forehead as his eyes couldn't focus on anything.

He let out a low moan as he gently prodded himself with a finger. He begged silently for Alec to come back despite his mind screaming in relief that he was gone.

"Fucking..." he panted, "Alec... how hahh how dare he..." Afton demanded gently increasing pressure against his groin. When it wasn't enough and his rage for Alec had grown too much he let out a strangled cry.

A few hours later: Afton didn't leave his dorm and after he barely got off, he cried himself into a fitful nap, woke up, and cried some more.

His phone buzzed and he immediately grabbed it, the screen illuminated. It was Alec:

Come on over, love, I'm craving you

Afton bit his lip and felt butterflies build up in his stomach. He got off the bed and the minute he put his hand on the door handle, the room spun and his vision blackened for a moment. He wanted this. He wanted this.

Opening the door, he took to the hallway and slowly kreist down it. His steps were unsteady as he hadn't left his bed all day save for having to take a piss. He put a hand on the wall, the wallpaper was thin and rough and felt secure under his hand. The carpet was plush under his feet. He felt nearly grounded, and he would be fully if it weren't for his brain exploding with the desire to be touched.

Though his brain was desperate to run away and never look back, his body was buzzing with desperation for Alec's hand, no matter how brutal he acted. The dorm was large. Very large. And the seniors had the top floor to themselves. A perfect view of the forest and the lake settled in the middle. Stepping in the elevator, he felt relief that there was no one there. He would be too ashamed of himself.

When the elevator opened, Afton didn't even have to think about where he was going, his feet already knew. With a shaky hand, he knocked on the door. It swung open nearly immediately, and Alex stood there. Alec was tall and thin and his dark hair was wet and swept back in a carefree manor. His eyes looked down at Afton while his chin stayed the same height, as though Afton were merely a play thing. And he was.

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