Meet the Character: William Afton

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Sexuality— Bi
silver eyes, black hair, high cheek bones set on a pale face. Really Bri-ish and is only 5'7. His body is covered in different geometrical scars from a spring lock accident.

Prefers red wine and will drink it judging everybody harshly. He also loves anything raspberry (cheesecake). Incredibly, stupidly, rich and dresses like it too (with his favorite accessory a Rolex watch of which I didn't care to specify). William buys people presents to compensate for his occasional lack of empathy. He's actually very musically talented and can sing and play the piano. His parents forced him to take lessons despite his extreme disinterest in both. His parents also expected him to be perfect in every way back in England, so that meant teeth whitening and manicures for perfect hands and feet (in the future, this led to his carelessness and desire to mess something up. Like when Henry chipped his tooth accidentally with a pipe or when he cut his hand working with robots).

When he was in high school, he was in a rich British boarding school of where the students had created a ranking chart of whose family had the most money. William was second in the entire school. And got into MIT when he moved to the states!

William Afton is a psychopath and fits every description of one. Those being:
-Lack of guilt, remorse, empathy
-Pretends to feel emotions
-inability to form true emotional attachments (Scott?)
-tends to be incredibly successful
-Manipulative behavior, narcism, and superficial charm

If following the timeline that is presented in the game, William Afton's murder spree happened around the late seventies and early eighty's. That was when the term "serial killer" was being coined.
William was being coined as a Bundy like killer. He was handsome, rich, desirable, and so incredibly smart, with a family. He was perfect in every way, so why would he be murdering children? The suspected subjects never included William, he just wasn't an option. But ironically, Henry was.
William Afton was a Bundy duplicate, he was a death row murderer. But instead he got away. He faked his death using the same technology that was used to create Charlie, a disguise. The news had released his death before they had preformed the autopsy, but when they realized that he was a robot, they never shared with the public. They didn't want to cause panic, so they let them believe that William Afton was dead.
They made documentaries and wrote books about Afton just like people did with Bundy or Manson. He was another gruesome murderer in that category.

Funny thing, Scott Callahan is like on of the girls that simps for Bundy even after they knew he was a murderer. So. When Afton threw himself on Scott, Scott took it 100%.

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