Old Age?

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"I should probably change my socks..." Afton snorted, looking down at his fluffy sleep socks compared to the expensive dress shoes that sat next to him. Scott was staring down expectantly.

"Hahaha, I was waiting to see if you'd notice." He laughed, sitting on the bed next to Afton, putting a hand on his back.

"Damn, I've turned you into quite the fashion diva, huh?" Afton asked.

"Well someone has to keep you on your toes in your old, senile age." Scott scolded, kissing Afton on the cheek.

"Old age?" Afton asked in shock, turning towards Scott and frowned.

"Sure. You're what... fifty?" Scott giggled. Afton gasped and put a hand to his chest.

"I am forty five you brat!" He exclaimed, reaching up and pinching Scott's cheeks. "I am not old!"

"You know, most medical text books consider that middle aged." Scott pointed out, wrapping his hand around Afton's neck and scratching the base of his hair.

"You're the one loving on a senile old man." Afton growled, pulling Scott down to him. Scott was immediately excited and kissed him eagerly, grabbing the sides of Afton's face and pressing himself as tightly as possible to his lover.

"Ohhh... fucking guilty as charged." Scott moaned, arching his back to grind against him. "You know how I like my men."

"You're so Strange, Scotty." Afton mumbled, pushing Scott backward onto the bed, crawling up on top of him. Scott grinned, arching and wrapping his arms around Afton's neck, pulling him down and rolling his hips up, groaning with pleasure.

"Oh I love you so much! Oh, god, I love you so much!" Scott cried, kissing him more thoroughly. "I want you..."

"You want some old man, huh? You'll admit you let an old man take you?" Afton teased, rubbing Scott's chest, and squeezing his legs together with his thighs.

"Yes... oh fuck yes I would." Scott huffed, grabbing onto Afton's shoulders, holding him desperately.

"Oh how desperate to sink so low..." Afton sighed, brushing Scott's cheek. Scott looked at him, lips parted, and then released a shuddery breath, closing his eyes.

"Fuck you're too much." Scott groaned. The feeling of Afton's body pressed against his, the tightness of his biceps poised to pull and push at Scott. "I want you." He whispered

"I know you do. I can feel how badly you want me, how needy you are." Afton smiled, his own lust was tugging at him, worsening his thoughts and drowning him in ecstasy. But he hid it, shoved it down deep so he could push Scott as far as he could go.

"Why are you teasing me?" Scott whined, he was getting angry. Afton loved his threateningly short temper.

"You called me old, if you've forgotten." Afton grabbed the sides of Scott's head, pulling his hair. Scott raised his knees, whining like a thirty nine year old man shouldn't be able to do. "Oh you little bitch." Afton growled, forcing Scott into the bed.

"God! Well when you treat me like that!" Scott cried, thrusting his hips up uselessly.

"Go on, I'm an old man, push me over." Afton tested, loosening his grip on Scott's face. Scott pressed against Afton's chest, trying to push his weight off, but couldn't find his strength.

"Fuck-" He sobbed. Afton sat up, releasing him.

"God look what you did. We aren't going anywhere yet." Afton growled and unbuttoned his shirt just enough to be able to pull it over his head, then he took his belt off and threw it to the ground.

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