Poor Will

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This is based around someone vomiting! If that's not your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't read this one. But it is wholesome and fluffy! So if the idea of throwing up doesn't bother you too too much, then go ahead!

"Come on! Listen, you're small, I know. You've got no meat on your bones, but god damn, Will, please help me out a little bit!" Henry grunted. He was wearing a pair of floral swim trunks and he was currently trying to hoist a limp, deadweight William into the running shower. William just got done throwing up all over himself and then passed out in his own vomit. Henry, being the wonderful friend he was, had taken it upon himself to get William cleaned up.

"Urghhh..." William groaned, his head lolled back to look up at Henry, his grey eyes were watery.

"Pick up one leg. One leg. Will... no, this leg. William!" Henry begged, kicking one of William's legs to try and get it over the lip and into the tub. It failed and Henry almost ended up on the ground. "Jesus, big boy! Get 'em up!"

"My legs are gone!" William sobbed and Henry rolled his eyes and hoisted him up to but him in the tub. Finally. William groaned and vomited again.

"Ew! Shit, Will. That is actually foul." Henry grumbled, squirting shampoo into his hand. William always smelled so good. Not right now he didn't, but he usually did.

"My legs..." William sobbed again, sitting on the floor of the shower very slowly.

"Oh no... no, no, no, Will, get up. These floors are nasty. This is a college dorm!" Henry begged, trying to hoist William back up, but after receiving a lot of complaints and, most importantly, threats, Henry let him lay there on the floor of the public showers.

It took a lot of awkward positioning but ended with Henry straddling William's hips, on the floor of the shower as well, scrubbing his scalp. "If you get bubbles in my eye, you mother fucker." William cursed, his eyes were squeezed shut with distrust and there was still vomit on his chin.

"I'm not going to get soap in your stupid eyes you bum." Henry grumbled, tugging on Will's hair. William grit his teeth and spit at Henry. "Oh my god you dick. Don't do that." Henry smacked him lightly on the cheek, not wanting to actually hurt him.

"I'm going to throw up." William sobbed, turning his head. Nothing came up thought.

"You can't throw up anymore you bitch." Henry said, pulling William up against his chest so that they could sit under the water together. "Close your eyes." Henry said, helping wash the soap out, keeping William tight against him.

William tucked his head under Henry's chin and his breathing deepened. "I feel so sick." He slurred, spitting water out of his mouth and into Henry's lap.

"I know you do, Will. I know you do. Just... breathe. I'll handle this, okay? And we'll get you into bed, its all nice and warm and I'll hold you, and you'll be totally safe, okay?" Henry whispered and settled William back on the floor of the shower. He took William's loofa next and put his body wash all over it, starting on his arms, which were least affected by the vomit, and then moved to his stomach and legs and then his chest and back, where he had been laying in it. William would open his eyes on occasion to look up at Henry before closing them again.

This time, Henry just moved the shower head around to cast water all over William, he rubbed his body, pushing the soap off, massaging his muscles. William felt so... small underneath him. Frail, almost. Henry felt nervous touching him like this, because he never had before. William would never let him do this if he were in his right mind. But he wasn't in his right mind right now, so he let Henry touch him, rub his body. Henry had no sexual intent, he just wanted to feel William's body under his fingers. It was a sensation unknown to them.

Getting him out of the shower had been the hardest part, because now Will was all slippery and wet and cold so he was shaking like a leaf in the wind. He could somewhat stand on his own now, though, so that made it a little less complicated. Henry stripped his dripping swim trunks off and wrapped a towel around his own waist and began guiding William back to their dorm. Once in the room, Henry threw a towel on the floor and told William to sit, which he did willingly and little clumsily. Henry sat at the foot of his bed, exasuted. He looked down at William, who's legs were spread out lazily and his back was hunched and his long black hair dripping in his lap. He was skinny and pale and without a blemish on his skin.

"You're so handsome." Henry whispered. Will looked up as if summoned by the compliment. It made Henry laugh, of course Will would be so vain even though he just threw up everywhere. "Alright, lets get you dry." After rubbing his with a clean towel, he pulled him up and put him into bed, not bothering with clothes. He put a sweatshirt on himself and a pair of boxers and climbed onto the other side, leaving William on the outside of the bed with a trash can on the floor, just in case he needed to throw up again.

Henry wrapped his arms around William's waist and pulled him against his own body, rubbing Will's shivering limbs. "You poor thing." Henry whispered, kissing the back of William's head. "It's okay. You're gonna be alright." He hummed. William hiccuped a couple times, but his breaths became less frequent and Henry knew he was asleep.

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