This Is It

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This is absolutely crazy and I didn't see this coming from a mile away. I opened up this book to write yet another chapter only to be greeted with a message I didn't know was possible. In short, it said that I have too many parts on this story and after checking I realized that I was, indeed, writing the 200th chapter. So this is it, the 200th chapter and I could not be happier with where this story alone has taken me. I've made so many friends in the comments of this book, and I've learned so much more (whether I wanted to or not, lmao). I've discovered so much about myself and my writing style has matured and changed at least a thousand times throughout the duration of this monster of a story. I know it was mostly comprised of short smuts, but I can't help feeling sentimental towards it. This is my baby, my child. It's taken me over the course of two years to write as much as I have in it. I've written stories from around America and on roadtrips and in hotels and in my room or on the couch and even in school.

What you don't see is how much I, as a person, have changed over the course of this book. I've created a whole world and a whole plethora of characters with plenty of help from you all, from my Scotty to Nikolaus Dampierre to Henry Emily and William Afton himself. This book is so much more than chapters of smut, it's lore, it's emotion, it's ideas that I spent all night putting into words. It's thoughts, feelings, moments in history and deep topics. Through the writing of this, I learned how to write emotion, I learned how to make my readers feel what I'm feeling and see what I'm seeing and I hope that you all feel the same.

Would I ever let my mom see this? God no. But I am proud of this like any other achievement in my life. When I was sad, happy, bored, I always wrote my feelings into the backgrounds of my characters. It's a shame that Scott is the only one that's truly mine because I feel so connected with characters that don't belong to me. But Scott and I have been through hell and back and I was delighted to show him to you all and for you all to get just as excited about him as I am.

Thank you all so much for everything, for your words of kindness and encouragements, to every time you hit that little star button and come into my DM's to ask questions and requests. I love and adore it all. I love you all so much even though I haven't met a single one of you and none of you have met me. I feel like I know each and every one of you just based on how ya'll comment.

You all mean the world to me and beyond. It's unbelievable how far I've come and it couldn't have happened with out all of you.

I plan to continue writing in the second book that I've published already, but it won't feel the same, this book has been my baby. So thank you all, again for your love and support and remember, you are loved, you are wanted, and you belong. Stay safe everyone <3

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