A Christmas Party

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Scott hated parties, but when he got the company invite, he felt guilty for considering not going. Parties were loud and required some extent of small talk and mingling with people he didn't know and had no interest in getting to know. But yet, here he was, standing in his mirror and wrangling himself into a red and green plaid button up. He didn't want to do anything too crazy or out of the way, in case he embarrassed himself or no one else dressed up. His throat closed at the thought, but he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't remember letting it get this long, he really should consider cutting it again, unless he wanted what he had back in college, which wasn't terrible, but it had been almost six years since his hair was that long and he wasn't very interested in letting it get that long again. His phone buzzed and he flipped it over on his dresser skeptically. Nobody usually texted him. He didn't really have anybody to text. And on the screen was his bosses name.

William (work): Hey, Scott, still wondering if you planned on showing up. You don't have to if you don't want to, but Henry and I are eager to see you.

Scott's face blushed a deep red. That was so... uncalled for. The comment came out of nowhere and it seemed so... intimate? He put his phone down without replying, too flustered to even think of anything to say in response to that. Cheeky wasn't a word that described Scott. He could have said soemthing like: you know you miss me. Or something more like: eager to see you, too, sir. But Scott would never say any of those things. Ever. So he got up and went to the mirror. He was already dressed.

He looked pretty good, casual in a way that his bosses had never seen him before in a red and green plaid shirt, nothing too special, but enough to be considered 'festive' without over doing it. It was a Christmas party, after all. He grabbed his keys and then paused, considering if maybe he should go ahead and have a beer before, just to get him feeling a little lighter about himself before going to this thing, but decided against it, not trusting himself to be light.

"Okay, you can do this. There's nothing wrong with this, you're going to a party with a bunch of people you've worked with for almost three years now." He put his palms on his foyer table and stared into the mirror at his sleepless eyes. He nodded, nudging the frame of his glasses up his nose a little bit before leaving his house.

A pretty little Siamese cat leapt onto the table and mrowed in confusion. Why was her dad leaving the house when it was supposed to be their time to watch Netflix in sorrow? Scott smiled at her and rubbed her ears.

"Sorry, momma. I've actually got plans tonight." Scott smiled nervously and then left, shutting the door to his duplex and walking down the drive way to his truck.

It was cold and though there wasn't snow, there was little puddles of gross brown frost that seemed to linger there. He slid in the seat of his truck and cranked the heat up, he and his cat were the same. In constant need for warmth.

He sat there, waiting for his truck to warm up so he wouldn't snap his breaks in half. Unfortunately, that gave him a lot of time to sit and contemplate what he was getting himself into. He loved the aspect of parties, the idea, but once he was there, he only stayed for a couple drinks. Or maybe he'd just hang out with Henry the entire time. He knew Henry didn't drink, much unlike his alcohol loving business partner. Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending how you looked at it - William Afton was very fun to be around when he was drunk and tended to rope others in as well.

Scott already knew he would drink, he planned on it, but maybe Henry's sobriety would have some effect on him and restrict how much.

The drive seemed endless, nerves and excitement bubbled in Scott's stomach, causing his heart to race. He wished he didn't have to go to this party. He wished his boss wasn't so social. And there it was. There was William's grand house sitting surrounded on three sides by lots of land with massive oak trees and other greenery.

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