AU time

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This short is what if Laura and Alice both decide to leave their husbands without having the bonds of children, and they go on a lesbian retreat somewhere. But back at home, the men realize that they now, finally, had only each other. Their wives had left them because they were "too wrapped up in work", but one of the main reasons, was that they always wanted to spend more time together than with their wives.
(In my real AU their wives left them, but at that time everything was already shit, so this is kind of like a good ending in a sort of way. One that doesn't result in murder, anyways, and Henry and Afton get to be together! It's a soft, short chapter, I hope ya'll like it! Again this is one from that Henry file I found.)

Henry got up and went to the door after the knock and when he opened it, William stood on the front porch, his black hair hanging in his pale face and a soft smile was on his lips. If anything, Henry figured that Will would have been the most devastated about his wife leaving, so this was a surprise. But Will's smile was infectious and Henry felt himself grinning as well. He reached out and wrapped his arm around Will's hips and pulled the man inside. They were only 30, young and completely, helplessly, and uncontrollably, in love with each other. Will fell into his arms and nuzzled into his neck, pulling his thick hair from his face.

"They're gone, its just us." Will whispered softly into Henry's ear. Henry felt tears prick at his eyes. It was silly, but he had waited so long for this moment. To hold Will like he did back in college so many years ago and to know that he had someone. He always had to be the strong one for Alice, the man in the relationship, but with Will, he could just be. He could sink into Will and know that the man had him.

"It's just us." Henry repeated, his voice thick with tears. Will pulled away, hearing his tone, and smiled softly. Henry could see that tears were also glassing his silver eyes over as well. He gently pressed his lips against Henry's, closing his eyes and turning his head so that their noses wouldn't bump. He reached up and buried his fingers in Henry's blond hair, gently scratching his scalp.

"Oh Henry, so long. It's been so long." Neither man wanted to cheat on their wives, especially with each other, but now that their wives left themselves, the men could finally feel each other. They were pressed so tightly together, that there was barely any definition between either men, like they were one.

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