Lore time!

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This is going to be told through a story. Remember long long long long long long ago when I explained that when William went missing for that two year chunk, he had ended up losing his memory and everybody but Scott seemed to have forgotten about him? Right well this is going to be in those first few weeks after Scott hired Afton to be the technician out of an impulse to have him around. Unfortunately, Scott can't handle William's presence but learns to deal! So here's kind of how it goes from Afton's perspective. There's going to be scene jumps as this is kind of like a collage of events! Most of the employee names I've made up off the top of my head but Nova is going to be a self insert (obviously), but she doesn't play a big role she's basically dialogue filler (I know how annoying self inserts are but this was how it went in my head so I gotta stick her in, lmao).


"Mr... Mr. Callahan, sir, there's... um... there's blood here." Dave said, pointing to a very obvious and rather large puddle of half dried blood leaking from under the door of the parts and service room.

"Do you know what we say here at Fazbear's when there is an issue like this?" Scott asked his head slightly cocked to the side and his tone was pitched. Dave just shook his head frowning at Scott with a concerned expression. "We ignore it! Good job. Someone will clean this up and it won't be here anymore. Remember, we don't tell anyone about this whatsoever. Sweep it under the rug, it's probably fine!" Scott said cheerfully, before spinning abruptly on his heel and walking away.

Dave licked his lips and looked back down at the blood and back at Scott's back.

"But-" He started, raising a finger into the air.

"Ah bup bup, get back to work, please." Scott said without turned around.

"Sure. Yes sir..."


"Mr. Callahan! I had a question about the equipment in the work room, they don't seem very practical-"

"Nooo! Don't talk to me! Please no!" Scott screeched, turned to run away.

"Wait no, I had a question! Wait!" Dave called after him but Scott pressed his hands against the phone where his... ears... would be? Before runner down the hall, screaming 'no' over and over.

Dave stood dumbfounded and screwed his face up, making a box around his head and then pressing his hands against it's invisible walls.

"Isn't it a... isn't that a mask?" He whispered to himself before rolling his eyes and walking away to figure out the stupid equipment that made literally no sense but Scott would have been able to explain.


"Hello!" A loud voice called and before Dave could register, a curly headed girl was standing in front of him. He yelped and stepped back. "Hi! My name is Nova, what's your favorite movie?!" She asked excitedly, her eyes were blown wide and her grin was nearly impossible and honestly quite disturbing.

"It's Dave- wait did you say movie?" He thought she had asked him for his name. Like a normal person.

"Mhm, mhm." She nodded quickly, sending her curls everywhere. "You look like a Mean Girls kinda guy, how old are you? What's your favorite food? I was actually wondering if-" Dave quickly put a finger over her mouth, his eyes wide and his face blank as he leaned slightly away from her.

"I have a question now." He whispered. Nova nodded again, here eyes still so unbelievably wide. "What do you know about Mr. Callahan?" He asked her and slowly pulled his finger away, almost afraid of the answer.

"He's- well..." Her face fell, "other than the fact that he's creepy and quite honestly unhinged and we all prefer to stay away from him unless necessary he's a wonderful guy." She deadpanned, her face falling numb, her eyes half squinting and her smile fell before she turned and walked away. Dave craned his neck forward as he stared at her back in disbelief.

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