Masturbation. Thanks.

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Okay so this one of those stories I found in an old file because I'm too busy to write with all of the school and job and sport stuff, so I hope this suffices! This is unedited except for paragraph spacing, so if there are a couple flaws I apologize. This is Henry and Afton by the way because I think they're scandalous.

Henry swallowed thickly, and looked at the shut office door as if wondering whether this was a good risk to take. He felt a pulse in his pants and bit his lips. It had been so long since he had gotten hard and didn't know if he should risk losing it. He was ninety percent sure he was the only one still there and he wasn't too confident in getting caught, but something about the thought of touching himself at work, felt so very wrong.

Gently cupping himself with his right hand, he gasped. God it had been so long, his breathing grew heavier and he allowed his head to fall back against the chair. Was it so wrong to be thinking about someone other than his wife? His wife who had left him for better skies because he was 'too obsessed with his work'? No he didn't think so, she had left him, why would he keep thinking about her? He didn't really know who to think about as his hand quickened its pace. He looked around the office, deciding he didn't need to think about anyone, really. Oh God it felt so good, he squeezed his eyes shut for a second and opened them again.

The first thing his eyes fell upon when he reopened them, was the picture of him and Will, his partner, on the desk. Wills smile and the sharpness of his cheekbones. The glow of his peculiar silver eyes and the way he leaned up against Henry. Suddenly it felt like that warmth of the picture was returning to him. And that's when his heart stopped and his hand faltered. Why was he thinking about Will? Why was he liking to think about Will? His pace picked back up and he shuttered, feeling a loss of control to his own desires and he shouted a name.

"Will!" He gasped and them bit hard on his lip, sucking in a breath and collapsing back into the chair. There was no way he just said that. But then again, it was okay, there was nobody here. Just as he was about to continue, the door handle twisted and Henry's stomach dropped, quickly wheeling himself up under the desk and propped himself up on his left hand. A face popped through the crack in the door.

"Henry? You alright?" He asked in his perfectly proper accent.

"Yes, of course I am why." There was no tone and his voice and it was rushed and hurried. Henry wished he could put up an act and pretend he wasn't just pleasuring himself, but acting was Will's thing, not his. Images of roll plays rushed through his mind and he took in a shuddering breath.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Will asked, taking a couple steps into the office, his shoes tapping softly on the linoleum.

"O-Of course I am, Will.~" He attempted to say in a contained voice, but it came out strained and breathy.

"Do I need to call an ambulance?" Will said jokingly and offered a small chuckle. That beautiful laugh that seemed to send shivers down Henry's spine, he wouldn't be able to hold it together for much longer.

"Haa, no. No I'm just tired." Henry said offering a weak laugh in return, desperate to match Wills energy. To his dismay, Will walked further into the office and pulled the chair adjacent from Henry's and sat down in it, leaning back and crossing one of his ankles over his knee, resting his head on his fist. Henry bit the inside of his cheek, fingers absentmindedly stroking himself. So it was happening, Henry was touching himself to the sight of his best friend.

"Then we should start closing up, no?" Will offered graciously, blinking slowly.

"Oh I was just finishing some paper work and then I would love to." Henry said desperately coming up with excuses as to not have to stand with Will in the room.

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