The Jay follow up

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Here it is ladies, gents, and ethereal beings, I bring to you, the long awaited follow up on Jay, the man who took Scott's gay virginity. Who is he? Was he special? Or was he some random one night hook up. All questions will be answered here and now, so grab your popcorn (and don't get too excited because this is unplanned and we'll see where it goes), and settle in to a nice spot because here we go.

     Scott saw him, a backpack slung over one shoulder, his red buffalo plaid shirt was open and he was wearing a black nirvana t-shirt underneath with white sharpie signatures all over it. That style that Scott has both adopted himself and grown absolutely terrified of at the same time. He was quickly crossing the lawn and Scott panicked, turning quickly on his heel to leave. He was going in the complete opposite direction of the building he was trying to reach, but it was also away from Jay, who had no doubt spotted him already.

    "Scott! Scott, wait a sec!" He heard Jay calling for him and he only picked his pace up. It was no use though and in no time, Jay was beside him. They were just about the same height. "I wanna talk about what happened." He said and Scott straightened and picked his pace up. Jay flicked his hair out of his face, raking his fingers through it.

    "I really need to go, Jay, mkay? Just forget it, I need to... go to class." Scott said. His heart was slamming in his chest and he knew his cheeks were flushed. Two nights ago had been something that he had been rethinking over and over and over again. He wasn't able to get over it and any time he tried to talk to someone else romantically, he could only think about Jay.

    "No, I can tell you're still... upset about it?" He said skeptically and Scott finally stopped and turned to look at him. His heart stopped and he felt like passing out.

    "Upset? No, I'm not upset. I'm fine, it's fine. I literally cannot miss this class."

"That's why you're going the wrong way, right?" Jay asked him in a joking manor, and then he caught Scott's wrist. Scott flushed and his hips tingled and he snatched his hand away. Jay looked hurt, his lips parted and his brows were furrowed. "Sorry." He said indignantly and spun, leaving.

Scott bit his lips, heart aching. Why did he do that? He didn't mind it much. He watched Jay leave, his hair fluttered in the wind. He didn't really have to go to this class... he wouldn't be missing much.

He started jogging towards Jay and when he reached him, he caught him by the shoulder.

"Jay... I'm sorry." Scott panted. Damn his lack of athletic ability. "I'm sorry."

Jay looked on the border of maybe a heart attack or falling on the ground crying. "N-no I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry! I didn't know that you were uncomfortable, I didn't know you didn't want to talk about it, but I should have at least asked if you were okay!" He begged and caught both of Scott's hand in his own. Scott's heart began spinning in loops and his head felt light, his knees were weak.

"It's okay... it's alright." Scott managed to whisper, the little hideaway was now completely empty and Scott didn't care if Jay was holding his hands. He needed to sit down, he felt light headed.

"What about your class?" Jay asked him, his face was a dangerously close and Scott knew he'd black out if anything happened. He was already mentally preparing how he would act.

"Forget it. Wasn't that... important anyway." Scott mumbled, looking down at Jay's lips. There was not a single thought in his head right now. Not even about kissing him, and any plan that he had formulated was now gone entirely.

"You sure?" Jay asked to clarify, already tilting his head.

"Mhm... sure." Scott hummed then Jay's lips were pressed against his. Scott didn't know what to do with his hands so he did what he always did when he kissed a girl, and brought them up the back of Jay's head, burrowing his finger's into his hair, anchoring them together. Memories of last night flashed through his mind, the way that Jay's hand felt around his dick. He moaned and tried to press closer, but Jay made a yelp of surprise. Scott pulled his face away, and one of Jay's hand's reached up and took his glasses off. He smiled and laughed nervously.

"You're okay with this?" Jay asked to reassure again, and Scott looked around them for a moment, there was nobody around. He nuzzled his nose beside Jay's and pressed their lips together again.

"Yeah..." He mumbled, never taking his lips off. "I'm fine with this."

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