Michael? No. William

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What if the Afton's were a normal family? What if William wasn't a killer and he and Henry had a healthy relationship? Hmmm

Michael hopped down the stairs at the sound of the doorbell ringing. Seventeen and in the prime of his youth, he was excited to have a girl over. Granted, he had had several, it just never gets old. But just like the last girl, this was about to go painfully wrong. Michael could only hope it didn't. He opened the door to see the girl standing on his doorstep. She had her blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, her blue eyes were bright and shadowed by mascara. Her body was slender and she was wearing a tight, pink tank-top. She was gorgeous. Michael smiled and stepped back.

"Hey Annalisa!" He greeted, his grin widening. Annalisa looked around him and then smiled apologetically, biting her bottom lip nervously.

"Hey, Mike... um... is your dad home?" She asked him nervously. Michael felt his heart drop and he knew his face fell.

"I mean... yeah. But what does that matter?" Michael complained, reaching out to take her hand but she played oblivious and turned around as if she were looking for someone, avoiding his hand. Embarrassment flushed his cheeks and he swept his hair from his face, playing it off.

"I'm just trying to look into engineering as a career path, Y'know? We are going to college soon, after all. I'm just figuring out what I want to do. I was hoping your dad could teach me some things." She smiled at Michael innocently. Before taking a step to the garage door, where there came the sound of power tools.

"I just thought maybe we could go up to my room and hang out... I don't know..." Michael mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Mikey. Maybe another time?" She turned her back, her hair flipping behind her. Michael felt like vomiting as he went back to the stairs. It always went like this. In fact, his past two girlfriends had broken up with him because of his stupid father. Here's how one went:

"Mmm..." She hummed, kissing him deeper, bunching his shirt in her hands. Michael's stomach fluttered as he held her closer to him, burying a hand in her hair. He smiled against her, she was wonderful. "Mr. Afton..." She moaned. Michael's heart stopped and the fluttering turned into a nauseating torrent.

"What? Oh my god, stop. What?" Michael asked desperately, pushing her away from him. She looked irritated.

"What? Jeez, I mean, you're the next best thing, let me have this." She had the audacity to sound as if Michael were the one in the wrong.

"Oh my god please just... fuck please just get out." Michael asked, gesturing to the door of his bedroom. His high was lost so very fast. She just scoffed and spun around, slamming his door behind her.

And that wasn't the only time. There was another:

"Are you breaking up with me? Just tell me." Michael pleaded, already feeling sick. He knew where this was going."

"Yes, Michael. I'm breaking up with you! I'll be honest with you, I only dated you to get closer to your dad. I'm sorry Michael, you just aren't... right for me." She said and scurried off. Michael's jaw had successfully been dropped.

And now here he was again, watching yet another girl skip towards his garage where his stupid father was. He hated him. He stormed into his bedroom and slammed the door.

"There's some strong emotions here." A voice said and Michael jumped, quickly spinning around to see Reece lounged back on his bed. His curtains were billowing in the warm summer air, and there was a ladder propped against the side of his house.

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