29. The Festival

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"I wanna kiss you," Ren whispered to me once we were settled in the dark closet.

"We only have 7 minutes," I say.

"That's all the time I need." He closes the gap in between us and locks lips with me.

I pull on the collar of his shirt and separated his lips by pushing my tongue through. The taste. I loved the taste. The mixture between alcohol and bad decisions. I didn't want these few minutes to go to waste, so I did what I could. I disconnected my lips from his and placed them on his neck. I kissed it gently and when I brought the skin on his neck between my teeth, he let out a low moan right in my ear. I wish I could make him do that more.

He grabbed a hold of my face and reconnected our lips like before.

"My turn." He whispers in my mouth. Still kissing me, the hand he had on my face left and traced down my body. I hissed when they stopped where my dress ended which was a little above the knee. Seductively, he slowly slid my dress up higher while staring me down. He's lucky it's a bit dim, then he wouldn't see how flushed I am. I dug my fingers into his shoulders when I felt his fingers trace over the edge of my underwear. 

"Kimora." He says my name.

"Ki!" He shouts it?

"Ki!" I'm awakened by Naomi shaking me to life.

"Huh? What?" I sit up, startled as shit.

"Get up! Today is national art college festival day!" She cheered.

Why the hell is she so happy this early in the morning?

I checked the time on my phone. It was last two in the afternoon?! What the heck? I'm never drinking again. I hold my head as if that was going to stop it from pounding like crazy. 

My mind then flashes over the scandalous dream I had about Ren last night.

"My turn." His dreamy voice plays over again. My heart pounds just by thinking about that.

Jesus, what the fuck? I'm never drinking again. I find it funny how I wanted to have that dream now of all times. I'm trying to get over him, but now that just made it worse.

"C'mon girl, get dressed! The event starts at three!" She pulls on my arm so that I could be dragged out of bed.

"Okay, okay." I stand up willingly and drag my feet to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see that I looked, horrible.

Since when does drinking give you wrinkles overnight? I had eye bags, bad breath, and soaked panties. 

"I need to take a shower," I tell Naomi.

"What? You're gonna be late though!" She shouts.

"I'll take a quick one," I say while gathering my belongings before heading to the showers.

When I finished getting dressed, it was around 3:10. So... Ten minutes late. That's not that bad. After I put on my shoes, I grabbed my purse and headed out.

Are you out there already?

I texted Naomi.

Yea. Nothing too exciting has happened yet...

Okay. I'm otw.

I smile when I see the gathering of a bunch of college students in front of the campus. Some of these people I've never seen in my entire being here. The festival was decorated with different tents and stations. Cute games, face painting, a mini talent show even. This felt like something from elementary school. Field Days.  

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