24. Denial

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After I... did those unspeakable things, I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night thinking about that woman. To be fair, I'm not sure why I acted all frantic about her touching my hair yesterday. It was the least, nonsexual thing someone could do to me.

And yet, I got the hardest I'd ever gotten in my life.

My feelings for her are becoming stronger; I don't think before I act anymore. I guess... I just find myself not staying away from her.

And that's a problem.

Which is why I'm making a vow that starting today I will put in even more effort towards the Danny and Kimora ship. The faster they start dating, the faster these feelings about her will go away.

Just friends.

I'll annoy her, tease her, and help her with... Danny.

Just don't do anything stupid.

I got up early today just to meet her before anyone else did. I know she gets up pretty early.

"Hey, wanna go see the animals together?" I rehearse what I'm going to say to her out loud to myself in the mirror. This is weird.

"Kimora-" Ew no.

"Kimora. Wanna canoe or something?" What the fuck? Who asks this question?

Fuck it. I'll just improvise once I get there. I put on my jacket and walked at a fast pace. What the hell was I doing? I ran my sweaty hands through my hair stressfully before knocking on her hotel door.

I knocked again, harder this time. Maybe she's asleep? That's weird considering she's always the first one up.

I knocked again just in case she didn't hear me the first time.

No answer.

Could she have gone somewhere?

I find an elevator and make my way toward the lobby. When I arrived outside, I was stopped by Naomi, who was having her daily smoke.

"Ren." She said while blowing a puff in my face.

"Where's Kimora?" I asked not trying to look suspicious.

"Jesus, no hello? How are you?" She smirked.

"Hey Nai. Did you sleep well? Was the room to your liking?" I said in the most sarcastic way possible.

"Asshole. And she's out." She laughed.

"Oh?" I cleared my throat.

"Yep. She said she went running to clear her thoughts." She lifted an eyebrow at me.

"Oh. Alright." I chuckled nervously.

"Why are you looking for her exactly?" Naomi asked me.

"No reason really. I just wanted to help her out some more with... Danny." I explained.

"Oh." She squinted.


"You two are that close now? You act like besties." She folded her arms.

"Ah, I wouldn't say close. I'm just doing her a favor. She and Danny, a favor." I shrugged.

"Hm. How does it feel to play cupid? " She took a sip of her coffee.

Cupid. That's right, I am a fucking cupid.

"Shut the hell up Nai." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just calling it how it looks." She snorted.

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