23. A Moment

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By the time I got back to my room that afternoon, my hatred toward the boys had dissolved. I took a shower to wash the nasty outside off of me, repeatedly scrubbing my hands. It felt so nice to have a personal shower. I haven't had one in so long.

Once I finished, I threw on some clothes and jumped on my humongous bed.

However, before I even had time to relax, there was a knock on my door.

When I opened it, my face dropped in disappointment.

"Kimora! So nice to see you again." Ren greeted me, and I rolled my eyes, leaving the door open for him to come inside.

The hatred from earlier immediately came back, and now I had a sour mood towards him.

"So... how do you think it went?" Ren asked me once he closed the door to my room.

"Horrible." I folded my arms.

"C'mon, I wouldn't say horrible. It was something new and different. " He sat on the edge of the bed. He seemed to have just showered as well; his hair was still damp.

"Something new and different, yeah?" I chuckled.

"Yes." He said, with his voice filled with sarcasm.

"Ren, you completely humiliated me in front of him!" I accused him playfully while joining him on the bed.

"That's your fault. You should loosen up when you're around him." He shrugged.

"I... do." I lied.

"No, Kimora, I watch you when you're with him and you don't." He looked serious.

"What makes you say that?"

"If you did loosen up, you would act as you act around me. Like yourself." He said.

"Well, that's only because I'm comfortable around you. And you're my friend. It's different." I say, making him pause to think of a response.

"How is it any different?" His eyebrows met in the middle.

"Because a crush, I mean... they shouldn't know your flaws or anything yet. I'm not trying to scare him off." I tried to explain.

"Well, if he gets scared of your true self, he's a dumbass. You're a great person." He folded his arms and leaned over.

"Thanks but... that's not going to excuse the fact that you still humiliated me." I scrunch my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kimora. I really am!" He put his hands up in a playful way.

"You know what you get?" I slowly got up.

"What?" He noticed my movement coming toward him.

"Attacked by me!" I wasted no time standing on the bed and grabbing a pillow to start whacking him with it.

"Kimora!" He screamed, half laughing.

"Maybe this will teach you a lesson." I continued to hit him, jumping up and down to give me more force.

"Stop!" Ren laughs while raising another hand to stop my hits.

This was so much fun. I've never seen him loosen up this way. I've never seen him have fun.

To be honest, I loved his smile. He doesn't smile or shows emotion a lot, so I like to take advantage of it when he does.

He has a child's smile. His teeth are pearly white. I notice his dimples appear frequently when he's truly smiling, as well as the way his eyes light up when he's in this state. And then there's his laugh. His voice has a perfect blend of youth and crack.

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