30. Lover's Trivia

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As we walked to the couple's station, Danny took my hand in his. Ren is always behind us when Danny shows affection. I just know he would be watching. It made it awkward for me.

It wouldn't be as awkward if you didn't feel something for him.

Yeah. Okay.

"Hi! Welcome to Lover's Trivia! This is a game where you all go through a series of tests to see if you know your partners like you think you do! First, we will have the game of questions, where you ask your partner things they should know. The red buzzer stands for incorrect, and the green is correct. Obviously. Once the first round finishes, we will switch and rotate the partners. That's when the questions get harder. Whichever couple gets the most answers correct, wins!" The boy explained the rules.

Great. This was just great. I'm just gonna nod and pretend I understood all of that.

"One partner will sit on this side of the table, and the other over here." He pointed.

I watched Ren, Danny and Ciara sit on the opposite side of me, Naomi, and Mari.

So what I'm getting, is that the announcer was going to ask us a bunch of questions. And my partner had to answer them all correctly. Then we rotate around each other. This is stupid.

"Alright! You all have a minute and a half to answer these. The harder the rounds, the shorter the time. The first question is..." The announcer shouts.

"Which would your partner rather do... go to the beach or party?" He asks Danny's side of the table.

"Party," Danny answered and I did not hesitate to hit the red buzzer. Everyone else got their question right.

"Two points for team lions and team tigers." The announcer said.

"Next question. Does your partner prefer pancakes or waffles?"

"Ooh! Pancakes!" Ciara answered first. Naomi giggled as she hit the green buzzer.

"I don't know... waffles?" Ren shrugs.

"Yes!" Mari pressed the green buzzer and cackled as if that meant everything to her.

"Waffles," Danny said, less confidently than last time.

"Sorry." I mouthed to him before tapping on the red buzzer.

He groaned and the announcer guy said the new points now.

"Are you sure you guys are partners?" The announcer joked while making the situation worst.

A couple of more questions, and it was eventually time to switch partners. Danny sat in front of Mari, Ren in front of Naomi, and Ciara in front of me.

"Okay! You now have 60 seconds for the second round. These are short answer questions, so try your best!" He said.

"What is your partner's favorite color?" He says the first question.

"Uhh, green?" She guesses mine but laughs when I hit the red button.

"Favorite food?" He continued.

"Pizza. Definitely." She sounded confident in this answer but I hit the red buzzer again.

"Do your partner prefer hot or cold weather?"

"Cold." She answered. Red buzzer again.

"Introvert or extrovert?"

"Introvert?" I'm pretty sure she's given up at this point. Her face lit up when I hit the green buzzer finally.

"What's your partner's music type?"

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