22. The Trip pt. 2

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"Guys! It's so much to do here! Hiking, fishing, canoeing, swimming, anything that you can get your hands on! Plus, there's a carnival happening at the end of the week." Naomi exclaimed once everyone met in the resort's lobby.

The drive didn't take as long as I thought it would. As soon as we arrived, we immediately unpacked our bags in our rooms so that we wouldn't have to worry later.

There was one thing I loved about this trip. Having separate rooms. It's been a while since I've spent some time alone and did not share with someone. I have to say, it felt great.

There was something that bothered me. Ren and my rooms were right next to each other. On a separate floor from everyone else's.

Just my luck, right?

Us sharing a floor together. It's so ironic.

Because everyone had settled down and changed clothes, we were deciding on what activity we should do first.

"I think we should try everything we can." Danny nodded his head.

"Could we go swimming first? Then we'll go hiking because most of us are from the city and it'll be refreshing." Ren proposed.

"You must speak for yourself. I happen to be an expert when it comes to being outside." Danny boasted to the group, and Ren and Gabriel quietly rolled their eyes.

"I grew up around my grandparents, who were way too old-fashioned." He continues.

"Well, if that's the case, then show us the way." Danny began to walk toward the lake as I smiled.

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to skip this one." Naomi yelled as we approached.

"Why aren't you coming?" Ren asked his friend.

"Ah, not my thing. The water appears... unsanitary, and I was wearing the wrong shoes." We all looked at her heels as she explained. Oh, I wish I had that excuse.

"She's a princess, she can't get dirty, guys." Danny sighed and rolled his eyes. I just smiled, disappointed that I'd be alone with these guys. Naomi makes things interesting.

We all said our goodbyes and returned our attention to the lake.

"This does not look like a lake," I said when we reached it.

"It's an ideal location for a photograph," Gabriel explains.

It was a lovely sight. The way the trees hugged the water and how it was crystal clear and gleaming. There was a massive waterfall nearby, and the sound of the water splashing below was absolutely tranquil. I could spend the entire day here.

"Are you done staring at the water as if you've never seen it before? Let's get in." Ren burst out laughing.

"You're right." Danny snorted before removing his shirt and pants but leaving his underwear on. I took a step back to make sure I wasn't staring too long. Jesus, is everyone here built?

He clenched his back muscles before sprinting off the cliff to jump. We all laughed at him, and it was safe once we saw his head pop up for air.

"You're up next, Gabe," I tell him.

"You know, this is completely out of my comfort zone." He laughed before removing his clothes. He dashes to the edge before performing an impressive flip into the water.

"Are you going?" Ren asked me. I had forgotten he was behind me.

"Yeah, yeah." I swallowed and cleared my throat.


I watched as she carefully drew the hem of her shirt over her head. My gaze was drawn back to the tattoo I had seen the night before, this time is partially hidden by the straps of her bathing suit.

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