7. The Friends pt. 2

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Kimora if you want to escape, now is the time.

I watched in horror as Danny turned around to show me who was coming out of the restrooms. It was indeed Ren. That cunning... son of a bitch. He had to have known I was coming, didn't he?

As soon as our gazes met, he developed a devious grin on his face. I just can't fucking get away from him, can I? I mean, no matter where I am, I always seem to run into him. Perhaps it is a small world. Or maybe he's a stalker who knows what I'm up to on a daily basis.

When Ren approaches, the group remains silent to allow him to speak. Introduce himself. At least a wave? He, however, does not. Instead of saying anything, he pulls out his phone and ignores everyone.

"He's not a big talker. Not really friendly either. But don't let that scare or intimidate you." Danny broke the awkward silence by speaking.

Too fucking late.

"Because I think you'll fit right in with our little group here," Danny reassured me and smiled at me.

My cheeks were starting to burn. Not because of Danny's words, but because of Ren's icy gaze behind him. Staring into my soul.

"Great. Greetings over. Are we going to watch the movie now?" Ren frowned and scrunched up his nose at me.

What the fuck is his issue? If anyone is going to be disgusted, it's going to be me. I wasn't sure if he was joking or serious. But... maybe it's better if he's rude to me than a prick.

"Oh, Ren, please. The commercials are probably going on anyway." Naomi pushed her way past him and into the snack shop. I followed the group of friends in silence, trying not to draw attention to myself.

"Do you want some popcorn, Ki? Do you want anything to eat?" Before Naomi and Danny entered the line, Naomi suggested.

"No thanks, I'm fine." I declined politely. Naomi simply smiled at me before turning around and waiting for her turn in line.

"What brings you here? Naomi described her roommate as cool." Ren's voice said something to me. I'm not even familiar with him, and he's already given me his ass to kiss. I had intended to spend the entire night without speaking to him, but it appears that I will be unable to do so. After all, this is Ren. He wasn't going to let me ignore him like that.

"I'm here because I was asked to be here. I guess I'm cool enough." I smiled at him, hoping he could see through my sarcasm.

"So, did you ask me that question today for this?" He questioned. I kept an eye on Naomi and Danny, who had already placed their order and were on their way to the drinks and butter machines.

"Maybe. Unfortunately, I had no idea that one of her friends was you." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

He never said anything else to me. Instead, he bit the inside of his cheek to conceal his smile and returned to his phone.

"I know you said you didn't want anything, but I still got you some gummies." Naomi approached me with a bag of theater snacks.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you. Thank you." I patted my heart.

"Well, let's go. I believe the trailers have ended." Danny said this as he led us to the ticket booth. We got our tickets approved one by one and scattered about the long, dimly lit hallways looking for our correct movie time.

"I think this is it," Ren said, peering around the corner at us. We walked in his direction, realizing he was correct.

Dying To Be Here: 8:45 pm

"Thank you, Ren." Naomi smiled and took my hand in hers as we entered the theater. The film's vibration moved across the walls. I haven't gone to the movies in years. I had forgotten how thrilling it was. Not to mention the film we were about to see. I'd never heard of it before, but I'm confident it'll be worthwhile. The trailers sounded like they were just about to end. I looked around to see how many other people were in the theater with us, and holy shit, it was packed.

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