RECAP from The Runaway Princess (PART 1)

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"What do you wish to be?" Bella Agvi asked 16-year-old Y/N.

Bella 'Beatrice' Agvi, a trained fighter. She had been training Y/N for years now. She taught her how to use potions and other weapons. Her foster parents, Aiden Damon and Aileen Damon hired a professional huntress to train their princess.

"What's there to choose?" Y/N asked her.

Bella looked at the clouds and smiled.

"There's a Fighter, like me. We usually use swords and bows. Mages, use magic and can heal. Marksman, use many other types of guns. And lastly, there are Tanks. They use large weapons like; Scythes, Hammers, and many more. "

Y/N looked at her master with stars in her eyes. There's so much to choose from and she didn't know what she wanted to be. She hummed, finally making her choice and opening her mouth to answer.

"I want to be a FIGHTER"

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"I forgot to introduce you to my friend!" Niki, the pink-haired girl, motion to you, and you immediately regretted getting their attention when they laid their eyes on you. The first prince named Wilbur has brown fluffy hair, a yellowish outfit with circular glasses, and the other one has soft pink hair. It felt uncomfortable having their attention all on you.

"This is my childhood friend, Princess Y/N Damon! She's from I Gi Tis Exousía, she's a fighter as well!" You built the courage and finally met their eyes, opening your mouth to speak, "Pleasure to meet you." His outfit screams royalty. In front of you is a man that has soft pink hair with a well-built body. He wore a white men's shirt with buttons and a long red cape with white fur on his shoulder and the end of his cape. He also wore an animal bone mask that looks like boar.

The pink-haired guy reached his hand out for a handshake. "Technoblade, Son of King Phil, A fighter. also from Etaireía Nystaléon Agorión." His lips made contact with the back of your palm and you can feel your cheeks hottening in the scene.

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"Technoblade has The Kiss of Pséma." The event earlier immediately came to your mind and your eyes widened. "Wait- does that mean I'll die?" You asked and Niki shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know, but what confuses me is that-" she trailed off, grabbed the hand Techno had kissed you.

"-why is the poison not working?" She asked as she took a look at your hand. For those who lied and were proven guilty by the Kiss of Pséma, the part where they kissed will start to get pale and black veins will start growing on them." Niki explained and you looked at your hand and you were relieved when you saw no veins.

"Oh yeah, about that." You spoke as if you're not about to die. "My body's immune to poison." You casually blurted out and Niki choked in the air. "H-hey! Are you okay?!"

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"I'm Dream, a fighter, from the Omáda Óneiro Kingdom. It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady." He extended his hand for a handshake. In front of you is a man that has dirty blonde hair and he also has a well-built body. He wore a green hoodie with long sleeves along with iron armor on him. What stands out is his white circle smiley mask on his face. You grabbed his hand and gave it a shake. "Likewise." You replied, flashing him a smile.

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"You're not actually their child aren't you?" Dream suddenly spoke. You didn't bother to look at him and only nodded. "Was it that obvious?" You chuckled. "Yeah. The Damons haven't had any child for years so it was a surprise when you said that you're their child." He gave in a little chuckle.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now