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Do you want Drista to follow you in your journey?




"Okay." You breathed out. "You can follow us BUT you must always keep alert." You exclaimed.

"Poggers." Drista says excitedly, putting both of her arms up high.

You and Bad laugh slightly at her funny behavior. "Come on, let's go." You paused. "Hannah right? Would you like to come along?" you asked the Louloúdi .

"Thank you for the offer but I must stay here and protect the Kingdom's forest" Hannah smiles softly.

"Understood" you smiled and shakes hand with her. "Thank you so much for taking care of Drista. You're too kind."

"You're welcome" Hannah said to you and shakes hands with Bad as a sign of goodbye. Drista then hugs Hannah tightly making Hannah surprised by the sudden gesture and returning the hugs back to Drista, "Thank you for taking care of me. I will forever owe to you"

"You are welcome here anytime, Drista. Hannah then did a hand gesture and created a flower crown with the mixture of yellow dandelion and red poppy for Drista, gives cyan 'rose' flower to Bad, and gives Lily flower to you "Till we meet again." Hannah bowed as the other three bowed back. Hannah then disappears into the woods.

The three of you have mixed feelings and felt grateful for the flowers in their hands. For Drista, the flower crown with the mixture of yellow dandelion and red poppy represents her kindness, wild and confidence. As for Bad, the cyan 'rose' flower reminds him of Skeppy when Skeppy first gave him a Diamond rose for him. It made him tear up a little with a smile on his face as he remembers the memories with his Skeppy. He decided to admire the flower for a little while and kept it in his Inventory safely. As for Princess Y/N, the Lily flower aka Lily of the Valley is a white, bell-shaped flower. It represents beauty, love, and strong. She admire the flower and looked back where Hannah went as her lips parted slightly, shocked and speechless. The flower also reminds her of Prince Technoblade. She started to feel a blush creeping on her cheeks as she shakes her head slightly to avoid the voices in her head getting louder. 'Fucking simps' she said to her voice in her mind.

"Anyway...let's get going now." You spoke to them. Drista and Bad nodded as the three of you turned around and walked into I Chóra Tis Omorfiás, The Land of Beauty.

Little did they know, Dream was watching the whole scene behind the bushes. He held a device that can alert the Omáda óneiro, the Dream Team.

¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.

Back in Gi Tou Efiálti, The Land of Nightmare,

"SAPNAP, STOP TAKING MY STUFF!!" George screamed from his room to his hallway.

"I DIDN'T TAKE IT! YOU DUMBASS" Sapnap screamed back from downstairs.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" George gasps dramatically as he went downstairs. He dislike when any of his friends called him that. The maids are used to the three kings bickering back and forth in the palace because it is normal to them as long as you don't interfere and do your duties.

"What? Call you a dumbass? Oh, come on Gogy. It was just a joke, you little pissbaby." Sapnap rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, a small red blink went off on their wrist alerting both of the Kings. They ran and went straight to the secret room that only Omáda óneiro knows.

"What's going on?" Sapnap asked and looked at George who was the last one to close the secret passage door.

"It's Dream. He needs our help. We need to look at the map to see where he is."

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now