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¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.

"The day has come!" Queen Minx exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement as she leapt out of bed.

"The day has come," your mother said to your father, a loving smile on her face as she adjusted his tie.

"The day has come," your father replied, leaning in to kiss your mother's forehead, his eyes brimming with joy.

"The day has come!" The new head butler checked every detail, ensuring that everything was in perfect order for the momentous occasion.

"The day has come," Kristen whispered, holding Philza's hand tightly as they descended from the beautifully decorated carriage.

"The day has come!" Fiona carefully tucked her enchanted book into her handbag.

"THE DAY HAS COME, BOYS!" Tommy shouted with uncontainable excitement as he jumped off the carriage, earning a warning glance from Wilbur.

"Sorry... the day has come," Tommy corrected himself, his voice now a hushed whisper as he shared his enthusiasm with Drista.

"The day has come," Prince Technoblade sighed, his gaze lingering on his reflection after his brother took his seat in the church.

"The day has come," King Dream smirked beneath his mask, the scars across his face giving him a menacing appearance. He loaded his crossbow with a devious glint in his eyes. Beside him, Punz stood, a sinister smile playing on his lips, his weapons at the ready. 

"The day has come," you whisper to yourself, fidgeting with your dress and feeling a flutter of nerves in your stomach. The maid had just left after fussing over your hair and outfit, making sure everything was perfect for your big day. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart and remind yourself that this is the day you've been waiting for.

 You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart and remind yourself that this is the day you've been waiting for

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[A/N: Wedding dress reveal! or you can choose any design you like :)   ]

[A/N: Wedding dress reveal! or you can choose any design you like :)   ]

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The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now